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Tuesday, 10 April 2007
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Posted by planet/greent at 8:43 PM CDT
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Posted by planet/greent at 8:29 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Lethal type of dengue fever hits Mexico
From Seattle Times April 2
By Mark Stevenson
The Associated Press

MEXICO CITY — The deadly hemorrhagic form of dengue fever is increasing dramatically in Mexico, and experts predict a surge throughout Latin America fueled by climate change, migration and faltering mosquito-eradication efforts.
Overall dengue cases have increased by more than 600 percent in Mexico since 2001, and worried officials are sending special teams to tourist resorts to spray pesticides and remove garbage and standing water where mosquitoes breed ahead of the peak Easter week vacation season.
Even classic dengue — known as "bonebreak fever" — can cause severe flulike symptoms, excruciating joint pain, high fever, nausea and rashes.
More alarming is that a deadly hemorrhagic form of the disease, which adds internal and external bleeding to the symptoms — is becoming more common. It accounts for one in every four cases in Mexico, compared with one in every 50 seven years ago, according to Mexico's Public Health Department.
While hemorrhagic dengue is increasing in the developing world, the problem is most dramatic in the Americas, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Dengue is driven by longer rainy seasons some blame on climate change, as well as disposable plastic packaging and other trash that collects water. Migrants and tourists — including the many thousands of Americans expected for spring break this year — carry new strains of the virus across national borders, where mosquitoes can spread the disease.
The CDC says there's no drug to treat hemorrhagic dengue, but proper treatment, including rest, fluids and pain relief, can reduce death rates to about 1 percent.
Latin America's hospitals are ill-equipped to handle major outbreaks, and officials say the virus is likely to grow deadlier, in part because tourism and migration are circulating four strains across the region. A person exposed to one strain may develop immunity to that strain — but subsequent exposure to another strain makes it more likely the person will develop the hemorrhagic form.
Mexico's Public Health Department has sent hundreds of workers to the resorts of Puerto Vallarta, Cancún and Acapulco to try to avert outbreaks ahead of the Easter week vacation.
"We are working intensively, both the federal and state governments, on [these] three sites that we want to keep under control, so that it doesn't become a risk for tourists," said Pablo Kuri, head of Mexico's National Center for Epidemiology and Disease Control
The Canadian Embassy in Mexico City issued an alert about dengue after five Canadians were sickened in Puerto Vallarta this year. Acapulco, a city of 700,000, has documented 549 cases of classic and hemorrhagic dengue in the first two months of 2007, up from 86 in the same period last year.
Dengue is mostly a problem in tropical slums, where trash collection and sanitation are not as good as in tourist areas.
In January and February, Mexico's dry season, there were 1,589 cases of both types of dengue nationwide, up 380 percent from the same period in 2006, Kuri said. And last year was also bad for dengue: Mexico documented 27,000 infections overall — including 4,477 hemorrhagic cases and 20 deaths — compared with 1,781 cases overall in 2001.
Dengue has been found along the U.S.-Mexico border, where 151 classic and 46 hemorrhagic cases were recorded last year in the Gulf state of Tamaulipas, south of Texas.
A 1922 outbreak in Texas infected a half-million people. And according to the CDC, dengue returned to southern Texas in 1980 after a 35-year absence. Occasional cases since then have included hemorrhagic dengue.
The global solution to dengue outbreaks is mosquito control, and faltering eradication efforts, together with climate change, probably share blame for dengue's rise in the Americas, Kuri said.
A successful eradication program in Latin America in the 1960s sent the disease into remission, but economic crises and government downsizing sapped those efforts over the next two decades.
Paraguay declared a state of emergency in March after 17 people died of hemorrhagic dengue and an estimated 400,000 were infected with the milder "classic" form of the disease. The government sent soldiers into the streets in an emergency campaign to spray insecticides and clean up stagnant water.
At least 24 people died of hemorrhagic dengue in the Dominican Republic last year.
Copyright © 2007 The Seattle Times Company

Posted by planet/greent at 2:30 AM CDT
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kil ltony blair
My Video

Posted by planet/greent at 2:25 AM CDT
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Thursday, 25 May 2006
May 25,2006

By now most are aware of the elite of the world plan to do away with up to 90% of the world population to as they euphemistically say, “to ease demographic pressures”. by the year 2000 (now moved up to 2025). Six of their main reasons which underlies (and they believe justifies)their belief that world population is outstripping the world’s resources
1. There are too many people in the world?
The world is not overpopulated. Man was instructed to “be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth”, which they did. Now there are billions of individuals on the earth but that is not yet too many! Why?
Well for one thing, here is still plenty of unused land in the world. Dr. Loraine Day MD at , did some math --- and she states that theoretically “ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WORLD could live comfortably in an area the size of the state of TEXAS. (Not with an acre for each
person which has been erroneously reported), but with a small house on a 2500 sq. ft.lot 25 foot x 100 foot. for every two persons. There would be room in the yard to grow all the food needed. If there were 4 or 6 in a family they could combine lots and have a larger house with much more space for growing food. But no room for roads or parks.
The American family is at present bearing an average of just 2.3 children. This is roughly equal to the number who die off, so the US has reached ZPG (zero population growth) and the American population IS NOW STABLE.
In Italy, are not keeping up with the number that die each year, so Italians fear if this situation continues for generations, Italians will naturally just cease to exist. Therefore their govt. is offering childbirth bonuses or lump-sum payments to families to encourage a higher birth rate in Italy. There are other countries that have lower birth rates also.
2.)There is a shortage of water, not enough to support more people?
Agriculture one of the biggest users of water now has solutions to lower water use of growing crops. With the practice of “Double Digging” * or deep 24” plowing for example plus adding compost or other moisture retaining materials much water can be saved.
Also with there is a method called,“Sonic Bloom”, described below also.
With both these methods crops can be grown with 25 to 50 % or less water. The latter method helps prevent much pollution of water from herbicides as well.
Seawater desalinization has been around a long time but is still relatively expensive. However a low cost method of seawater desalinization with solar low temp water distillation was being developed over many years in California, and was commercially available this decade. A SOLAR water farm plan was proposed using a method of low temperature seawater distillation using almost no energy except that free energy of the sun.(search web for Solar water distillers for plans) Once the initial investment was made in the equipment the cost of operation was nil.
Wastewater treatment plants claim they can purify water to the point where it is potable, or as is being done, the water can be poured down holes in the earth so the earth can recycle it.
There are also units like the Big Berkey that can make drinkable even raw untreated water from remote ponds lakes and streams.
3.) There is not enough food for everyone?
Maybe for example when wheat would grow just so high there was not enough, but now it is possible to scientifically grow it twice as high. This effectively DOUBLES THE WHEAT SUPPLY on the same amount of land. This principle can be expanded to many other food plants.

A technology called,“Sonic Bloom” developed by Dr. Dan Carlson who found a product that made 3 out of 100 plants grow ten times normal. He scratched his head and though that if he could get most of the other 97% to do the same as the 3% the battle against world hunger could be won. After years of study and reading he discovered that certain sounds
caused many of the 97% plants to absorb more of the organic nutrient supplement solution,put on them.

Generally speaking he had discovered how to grow plants TWICE AS BIG, WHILE USING ONLY HALF AS MUCH WATER and as a bonus it gave them frost resistance.

But not just any sounds they had to be in a specific frequency between 3,000 and 5,000 KHz.

He found from a book on song birds that contained sonograms that 95% of songbirds chirp in the morning in the right frequency, causes the dew to be better absorbed by the plants who open their pores so to speak to absorb more dew With “Sonic Bloom” they were up to 700% more absorptive.
So he now has CD’s containing songs of birds, and classical music in the right frequency which a grower can play in the field after the organic nutrient supplement solution is sprayed on his crop. His system is used and patented in 35 countries. It REDUCES WATER USE 25 to 50% and also REPLENISHES THE SOIL. The music also bring more birds and calms other animals. Old seeds of 6 to 8 years have miraculously germinated.

In Indonesia where the program has govt. backing ----a 125% increase in yield of Rice was achieved which was very big for them. 150 to 500% increases were also achieved in vegetables.

Under drastic conditions in the Sudan, crops were grown in temperatures of 135 degrees F. with only 2 ½ inches of rain.
Over 100 bushels per acre have been achieved in Virginia, 10 tons of alfalfa yield in Pa. with plants 5 feet high and 29% protein content. The biggest Barley yield ever in Idaho was gotten. Other spectacular results -----an average of 866 tomatoes per plant. 50 pounds where the state average is 12. Fifty peppers per plant where the state average is only 5 or 6.

No wonder Dr. Carlson has twice been nominated for a Nobel Prize for working towards solving the world hunger problem. He holds the Guinness record for the biggest indoor plants in the world. Also grew a 1498 pound pumpkin.

His product “Sonic Doom” for use on weeds, cuts herbicides use to next to nothing thereby saving the water supply from being polluted.

Dr.Carlson says his company, which is 30 yrs. old is on the way to conquering Asia. Now they are in Europe.
Another method is called Double digging” or deep plowing is a method that can give up to FOUR TIMES more harvest than conventional agriculture using 50% less water or less.

The method can be done commercially with a tractor with large tines in the rear and lots of good compost to hold moisture. The method can also be used by home gardeners with a tiller.

In any case it is easy to see how if food production in the world can be DOUBLED or QUADRUPLED or even more--- that plenty of food for everyone now living or expected will not be a problem. (see details below) **

The home gardener can also use Double Digging as John Jeavons describes in his book “How to Grow More Vegetables & Fruit….” in detail how this is done. Published by Ten Speed
Press in Berkeley, Ca. and Toronto, Canada in 2002. Now available in 7 languages
** First spread 1 inch of compost and fertilizer on top of the area of a 4 to 5 ft. x 20 to 25 ft. Now the bed will be Double Dug to a 24 inch depth of loosened soil with a spade or shovel and remove that soil to a tarpaulin or wheel barrow . Then rock back & forth the second 12 in. with a garden fork, having added compost & fertilizer. On top of the last 12 in.
Instead of hand tools a rear-tined tiller, can some times can be rented, & used in cutting down to it’s maximum depth of 8 in. & removing that soil then compost & fertilizer mixed in, to the far side of the right or left tarp.
Next run the tiller below ground level to cut another 8 in. deep, remove rocks, shoveling that to the near side of the tarp. (don’t mix the two levels of soil). Lastly run the tiller down and up the slanted ends of the bed,leaving the final 8 in. tilled in place. (Hand loosen the ends if necessary).
When all the soil is replaced you’ll have a raised, wide bed. DON’T ever walk over it. Walk around. Use a large wide board to step on if necessary to enter the bed in order not to compact the soil.
In Part II to follow soon--- three more of six will be countered.
4.) The world oil supply is running low?
5.)The world is running out of minerals and raw materials?
6.) Mankind itself is the major polluter and destroyer of the earth, and is causing Global Warming?

Posted by planet/greent at 11:44 AM CDT
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May 25,2006

By now most are aware of the elite of the world plan to do away with up to 90% of the world population to as they euphemistically say, “to ease demographic pressures”. by the year 2000 (now moved up to 2025). Six of their main reasons which underlies (and they believe justifies)their belief that world population is outstripping the world’s resources
1. There are too many people in the world?
The world is not overpopulated. Man was instructed to “be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth”, which they did. Now there are billions of individuals on the earth but that is not yet too many! Why?
Well for one thing, here is still plenty of unused land in the world. Dr. Loraine Day MD at , did some math --- and she states that theoretically “ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WORLD could live comfortably in an area the size of the state of TEXAS. (Not with an acre for each
person which has been erroneously reported), but with a small house on a 2500 sq. ft.lot 25 foot x 100 foot. for every two persons. There would be room in the yard to grow all the food needed. If there were 4 or 6 in a family they could combine lots and have a larger house with much more space for growing food. But no room for roads or parks.
The American family is at present bearing an average of just 2.3 children. This is roughly equal to the number who die off, so the US has reached ZPG (zero population growth) and the American population IS NOW STABLE.
In Italy, are not keeping up with the number that die each year, so Italians fear if this situation continues for generations, Italians will naturally just cease to exist. Therefore their govt. is offering childbirth bonuses or lump-sum payments to families to encourage a higher birth rate in Italy. There are other countries that have lower birth rates also.
2.)There is a shortage of water, not enough to support more people?
Agriculture one of the biggest users of water now has solutions to lower water use of growing crops. With the practice of “Double Digging” * or deep 24” plowing for example plus adding compost or other moisture retaining materials much water can be saved.
Also with there is a method called,“Sonic Bloom”, described below also.
With both these methods crops can be grown with 25 to 50 % or less water. The latter method helps prevent much pollution of water from herbicides as well.
Seawater desalinization has been around a long time but is still relatively expensive. However a low cost method of seawater desalinization with solar low temp water distillation was being developed over many years in California, and was commercially available this decade. A SOLAR water farm plan was proposed using a method of low temperature seawater distillation using almost no energy except that free energy of the sun.(search web for Solar water distillers for plans) Once the initial investment was made in the equipment the cost of operation was nil.
Wastewater treatment plants claim they can purify water to the point where it is potable, or as is being done, the water can be poured down holes in the earth so the earth can recycle it.
There are also units like the Big Berkey that can make drinkable even raw untreated water from remote ponds lakes and streams.
3.) There is not enough food for everyone?
Maybe for example when wheat would grow just so high there was not enough, but now it is possible to scientifically grow it twice as high. This effectively DOUBLES THE WHEAT SUPPLY on the same amount of land. This principle can be expanded to many other food plants.

A technology called,“Sonic Bloom” developed by Dr. Dan Carlson who found a product that made 3 out of 100 plants grow ten times normal. He scratched his head and though that if he could get most of the other 97% to do the same as the 3% the battle against world hunger could be won. After years of study and reading he discovered that certain sounds
caused many of the 97% plants to absorb more of the organic nutrient supplement solution,put on them.

Generally speaking he had discovered how to grow plants TWICE AS BIG, WHILE USING ONLY HALF AS MUCH WATER and as a bonus it gave them frost resistance.

But not just any sounds they had to be in a specific frequency between 3,000 and 5,000 KHz.

He found from a book on song birds that contained sonograms that 95% of songbirds chirp in the morning in the right frequency, causes the dew to be better absorbed by the plants who open their pores so to speak to absorb more dew With “Sonic Bloom” they were up to 700% more absorptive.
So he now has CD’s containing songs of birds, and classical music in the right frequency which a grower can play in the field after the organic nutrient supplement solution is sprayed on his crop. His system is used and patented in 35 countries. It REDUCES WATER USE 25 to 50% and also REPLENISHES THE SOIL. The music also bring more birds and calms other animals. Old seeds of 6 to 8 years have miraculously germinated.

In Indonesia where the program has govt. backing ----a 125% increase in yield of Rice was achieved which was very big for them. 150 to 500% increases were also achieved in vegetables.

Under drastic conditions in the Sudan, crops were grown in temperatures of 135 degrees F. with only 2 ½ inches of rain.
Over 100 bushels per acre have been achieved in Virginia, 10 tons of alfalfa yield in Pa. with plants 5 feet high and 29% protein content. The biggest Barley yield ever in Idaho was gotten. Other spectacular results -----an average of 866 tomatoes per plant. 50 pounds where the state average is 12. Fifty peppers per plant where the state average is only 5 or 6.

No wonder Dr. Carlson has twice been nominated for a Nobel Prize for working towards solving the world hunger problem. He holds the Guinness record for the biggest indoor plants in the world. Also grew a 1498 pound pumpkin.

His product “Sonic Doom” for use on weeds, cuts herbicides use to next to nothing thereby saving the water supply from being polluted.

Dr.Carlson says his company, which is 30 yrs. old is on the way to conquering Asia. Now they are in Europe.
Another method is called Double digging” or deep plowing is a method that can give up to FOUR TIMES more harvest than conventional agriculture using 50% less water or less.

The method can be done commercially with a tractor with large tines in the rear and lots of good compost to hold moisture. The method can also be used by home gardeners with a tiller.

In any case it is easy to see how if food production in the world can be DOUBLED or QUADRUPLED or even more--- that plenty of food for everyone now living or expected will not be a problem. (see details below) **

The home gardener can also use Double Digging as John Jeavons describes in his book “How to Grow More Vegetables & Fruit….” in detail how this is done. Published by Ten Speed
Press in Berkeley, Ca. and Toronto, Canada in 2002. Now available in 7 languages
** First spread 1 inch of compost and fertilizer on top of the area of a 4 to 5 ft. x 20 to 25 ft. Now the bed will be Double Dug to a 24 inch depth of loosened soil with a spade or shovel and remove that soil to a tarpaulin or wheel barrow . Then rock back & forth the second 12 in. with a garden fork, having added compost & fertilizer. On top of the last 12 in.
Instead of hand tools a rear-tined tiller, can some times can be rented, & used in cutting down to it’s maximum depth of 8 in. & removing that soil then compost & fertilizer mixed in, to the far side of the right or left tarp.
Next run the tiller below ground level to cut another 8 in. deep, remove rocks, shoveling that to the near side of the tarp. (don’t mix the two levels of soil). Lastly run the tiller down and up the slanted ends of the bed,leaving the final 8 in. tilled in place. (Hand loosen the ends if necessary).
When all the soil is replaced you’ll have a raised, wide bed. DON’T ever walk over it. Walk around. Use a large wide board to step on if necessary to enter the bed in order not to compact the soil.
In Part II to follow soon--- three more of six will be countered.
4.) The world oil supply is running low?
5.)The world is running out of minerals and raw materials?
6.) Mankind itself is the major polluter and destroyer of the earth, and is causing Global Warming?

Posted by planet/greent at 11:34 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 24 January 2006
Now Playing: International Terrorism Does Not Exist
I think you might find this of interest! International Terrorism Does Not Exist
By General Leonid Ivashov 1-22-6

General Leonid Ivashov was the Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces when the September 11, 2001, attacks took place. This military man, who lived the events from the inside, offers an analysis which is very different to that of his American colleagues. As he did during the Axis for Peace 2005 conference, he now explains that international terrorism does not exist and that the September 11 attacks were the result of a set-up. What we are seeing is a manipulation by the big powers; this terrorism would not exist without them. He affirms that, instead of faking a "world war on terror", the best way to reduce that kind of attacks is through respect for international law and peaceful cooperation among countries and their citizens.
As the current international situation shows, terrorism emerges where contradiction aggravate, where there is a change of social relations or a change of regime, where there is political, economic or social instability, where there is moral decadence, where cynicism and nihilism triumph, where vice is legalized and where crime spreads.

It is globalization what creates the conditions for the emergence of these extremely dangerous phenomena. It is in this context that the new world geo-strategic map is being designed, that the resources of the planet are being re-distributed, that borders are disappearing, that international law is being torn into pieces, that cultural identities are being erased, that spiritual life becomes impoverished...

The analysis of the essence of the globalization process, the military and political doctrines of the United States and other countries, shows that terrorism contributes to a world dominance and the submissiveness of states to a global oligarchy. This means that terrorism is not something independent of world politics but simply an instrument, a means to install a unipolar world with a sole world headquarters, a pretext to erase national borders and to establish the rule of a new world elite. It is precisely this elite that constitutes the key element of world terrorism, its ideologist and its "godfather". The main target of the world elite is the historical, cultural, traditional and natural reality; the existing system of relations among states; the world national and state order of human civilization and national identity.

Today's international terrorism is a phenomenon that combines the use of terror by state and non-state political structures as a means to attain their political objectives through people's intimidation, psychological and social destabilization, the elimination of resistance from power organizations and the creation of appropriate conditions for the manipulation of the countries' policies and the behavior of people.

Terrorism is the weapon used in a new type of war. At the same time, international terrorism, in complicity with the media, becomes the manager of global processes. It is precisely the symbiosis between media and terror, which allows modifying international politics and the exiting reality.

In this context, if we analyze what happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States, we can arrive at the following conclusions: 1. The organizers of those attacks were the political and business circles interested in destabilizing the world order and who had the means necessary to finance the operation. The political conception of this action matured there where tensions emerged in the administration of financial and other types of resources. We have to look for the reasons of the attacks in the coincidence of interests of the big capital at global and transnational levels, in the circles that were not satisfied with the rhythm of the globalization process or its direction.
Unlike traditional wars, whose conception is determined by generals and politicians, the oligarchs and politicians submitted to the former were the ones who did it this time.

2. Only secret services and their current chiefs or those retired but still having influence inside the state organizations have the ability to plan, organize and conduct an operation of such magnitude. Generally, secret services create, finance and control extremist organizations. Without the support of secret services, these organizations cannot exist let alone carry out operations of such magnitude inside countries so well protected. Planning and carrying out an operation on this scale is extremely complex.

3. Osama bin Laden and "Al Qaeda" cannot be the organizers nor the performers of the September 11 attacks. They do not have the necessary organization, resources or leaders. Thus, a team of professionals had to be created and the Arab kamikazes are just extras to mask the operation.
The September 11 operation modified the course of events in the world in the direction chosen by transnational mafias and international oligarchs; that is, those who hope to control the planet's natural resources, the world information network and the financial flows. This operation also favored the US economic and political elite that also seeks world dominance.
General Leonid Ivashov (left) at the Axis for Peace Conference 2005 in Brussels, with Webster Tarpley General Leonid Ivashov with journalist Christopher Bollyn from American Free Press The use of the term "international terrorism" has the following goals: Hiding the real objectives of the forces deployed all over the world in the struggle for dominance and control; Turning the people's demands to a struggle of undefined goals against an invisible enemy; Destroying basic international norms and changing concepts such as: aggression, state terror, dictatorship or movement of national liberation; Depriving peoples of their legitimate right to fight against aggressions and to reject the work of foreign intelligence services; Establishing the principle of renunciation to national interests, transforming objectives in the military field by giving priority to the war on terror, violating the logic of military alliances to the detriment of a joint defense and to favor the anti-terrorist coalition; Solving economic problems through a tough military rule using the war on terror as a pretext. In order to fight in an efficient way against international terrorism it is necessary to take the following steps: To confirm before the UN General Assembly the principles of the UN Charter and international law as principles that all states are obliged to respect; To create a geo-strategic organization (perhaps inspired in the Cooperation Organization of Shanghai comprised of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) with a set of values different to that of the Atlantists; to design a strategy of development of states, a system of international security, another financial and economic model (which would mean that the world would again rest on two pillars); To associate (under the United Nations) the scientific elites in the design and promotion of the philosophical concepts of the Human Being of the 21st Century. To organize the interaction of all religious denominations in the world, on behalf of the stability of humanity's development, security and mutual support. General Leonid Ivashov General Leonid Ivashov is the vice-president of the Academy on geopolitical affairs. He was the chief of the department for General affairs in the Soviet Union's ministry of Defense, secretary of the Council of defense ministers of the Community of independant states (CIS), chief of the Military cooperation department at the Russian federation's Ministry of defense and Joint chief of staff of the Russian armies.

Posted by planet/greent at 11:49 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 24 January 2006 11:51 PM CST
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Now Playing: Economy Not Healthy
As the U.S. real estate bubble breaks and the bear market in stocks resume, Americans are faced every day with the loss of good paying jobs via offshoring and outsourcing. Thus, we can only conclude that our elitist Fed planned it that way. How can any nation consciously allow free trade and globalization in an advanced high- income economy? It’s simply suicide. We have been set up to deliberately fail along with Canada and Europe. By bringing these economies to their knees, citizens will be forced to accept universal, fascist, one-world government. Today’s debt and leverage makes the 1920s look like child’s play.

You cannot have an economy that is 60% dependent on real estate.
Industries such as construction, commodities, lending, brokerage, mortgages
and insurance are holding America economically together

This is not a healthy economy. All the high value added jobs are being offshored and outsourced. The failure of our economy has already been triggered by 10 million jobs that were never created; they went to the third world. The collapse of the market and real estate will be an afterthought. The seeds for collapse have been the absence of creation of good paying jobs. Again, this has been done deliberately, during this time period, to assure a collapsing economy. This is accompanied by reduced buying power, which has been augmented by the removal of equity from homes. That game will soon come to an end. We have debt-fueled growth, not economic growth aided and abetted by low interest rates. Next year will be a terrible year for the economy and employment and a good year for gold and silver.

Posted by planet/greent at 11:44 PM CST
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Martial Law in the USA
Now Playing: Martial La

Martial Law - Drills, Drills & More Drills (Preparing for the military takeover of the U.S.A.)
By Nancy Levant

In spite of the fact that monkeys continue to cover their eyes, ears, and mouths, they are still glued to their TV sets, and you can bet these Darwinian primates are getting nervous along with the rest of us. Martial law is being heavily practiced in the United States.

It has now been decided that being forced to show your bags, purses, and ID’s upon command is not unconstitutional. You can be arrested, as an American citizen, for failure to do so. The line between police, military, FEMA, eco-dictators, and Homeland Security personnel has blurred, and we are vulnerable to the powers of them all. But why?

If we listen to the media, which is, of course, the orchestrated and desired state of affairs, we are told of impending economic disaster, impending terrorist threats to the homeland, impending pandemics, impending eco-weather super storms, and impending mass power grid failures. Hmmm- and all in step with the Martial Law system that has been fully set into place and stone via many, many Executive Orders. Hmmm - Looks like all that’s needed to release that beast is another good catastrophe and, according to our media, a good many are in the wings.

The other angle of this story, however, is not mentioned on corporate TV ˆ that being the one-world governance slant. They don’t talk about one-world government on television. They don’t talk about Agenda 21 or its partnering/stakeholding bureaucracies or the Biosphere Reserves and their direct-connect to the United Nations, World Bank, and World Trade Organization. They don’t talk about the taking down of the Christian religion and the dumbing down of American children. They don’t talk about the Socialist take-over of the American public school system. They don’t talk about manufactured super viruses, the intent to draft female children, or mandatory military service into global armies.

Corporate media does not report on the nearly complete judicial/political movement to disassemble the United States Constitution. Nor do they report on George Washington University’s intent to replace our Constitution with a Communitarian-based constitution ˆ a hybrid Communist-Socialist government and its mandatory compliance. Corporate media does not report the facts and specific details of the Patriot Act II.

No, corporate media does not report on one-world governance because, if they did, they would have to tell the American populace that the American government is no longer in the hands of the American people. They would have to tell them, that for decades and decades, their votes were manipulated and that all candidates in the last 50 years (or many more) were well paid and connected globalist planners and/or prostitutes.

Equally, media would have to tell the American people that they were to be forced into Socialist governance using military-style force. They would have to tell the people to turn over their private property, their guns, their gods, their children, their sick and infirmed, their rights to mobility, and their rights to all dissension. They would have to tell the people that their Constitution was trumped and buried by the very people they elected with waving flag in hand.

The corporate media would have to report on the North American Sector - the new collective global/political region of Canada-America-Mexico-Central America. And they would also have to tell the American people about the stakeholding/regionalization connection ˆ the replacement governing system for counties and local jurisdictions, which specifically eliminates voting. And they would have to tell the people about the herding of the masses into eco-villages, communitarian housing, corporate live-work units, or collectives, so to speak. You know, the ones with the built-in policing services (C.O.P.S. = Community Oriented Policing Services ˆ look it up).

They would have to report on the cross-training of national militaries, in preparation for one-law-fits-all governance (Cross-training is interesting as one might assume that American boys and girls might be hesitant to fire upon their friends, families, and fellow citizens. However, soldiers from other countries ˆ especially American-despising nations ˆ would, no doubt, easily solve that potential problem).

Corporate media doesn’t like to report on the patenting of genetically modified food or animals, either ˆ almost as much as they dislike reporting on mandatory and tainted vaccines ˆ as in be vaccinated or be arrested or vaccinate your children or lose your children. And speaking of children, media skips the part about the complete elimination of American history and Constitution studies, because they would have to explain to the people that American history and Constitution are eliminated, and that the new global citizens, your children, are now being trained for his and her work detail.

Corporate media does not mention “humane” global population reduction ˆ the scientific mastering of euthanasia and super viruses manufactured by scientists who, globally, wind up mysteriously dying or disappearing. And media has never touched the subject of Agenda 21 and its ties to the largest “environmental” non-profits and agencies in the world, who own more global land than entire governments, and who have all called for massive global population reduction.

Pg. 2 Martial Law. (Preparing for the military take-over in the U.S.A)

So, here’s my point ˆ why, you ask, are Martial Law drills being practiced in all states? Why does America, the land of the free, have staffed and readied detention camps in most, if not all, states? And why does the media not report on the most historic and compelling news in American history? I’ll tell you why. Because we are being conquered by corporate/financial manipulation ˆ clearly ˆ and planned catastrophes are the mode and means to the end.

“Catastrophe,” and perhaps “global catastrophe,” will continue to switch on a complete Martial Law take-over and control of the American masses. “Catastrophe,” we will be told, necessitates military take-over for our own good. I suggest to you that Martial Law will ensue for several years to several decades until Americans get used to the fact that they are under the jurisdiction and control of a one-world governing body, which is absolutely an oligarchy. And I’m equally sure that as we degrade in life style, education, and our individual liberties are completely eliminated, our children will be raised in a world none the wiser of past freedoms. The beacon of freedom and freedom for the masses are to be forgotten and eliminated from the history books ˆ much akin to the elite canon-pickers of days gone by.

The Baby Boomers are a large part of the current American population, and we are rapidly aging. The timing of the global governance take-over and the Martial Law system, in my opinion, is impeccable. The globalists have done their homework and their system is masterful. Too bad that we’ve been kickin‚ back, drinkin‚ beer, getting‚ high, watchin‚ the tube, loadin‚ up our credit cards, and buyin‚ $200,000 cracker boxes while the big boys were laughing all the way to their banking positions, political positions, and million dollar overseas homes and mansions inside of conservation corridors ˆ the lands where the masses dare not tread.

Kissinger once referred to the bulk of humanity as “useless eaters.” Perhaps he was being generous. Just don’t be surprised when units of men and women, with new generation weapons, are walking down Main Street in Americana, USA, and demanding your papers, cash, food stores, and houses. Just keep watching TV. It will tell you what to do when the catastrophe(s) strikes. See you in camp.

Nancy Levant

Here are some ‘Websites for Wisdoms’:

Posted by planet/greent at 11:40 PM CST
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we have been BUSH WACKED

Posted by planet/greent at 11:33 PM CST
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