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Welcome 2009!
Wow, 2 months between posts. Facebook has kind of taken away the necessity for the website, but I want to keep it up regardless. As you might have guessed, Josiah is here. As a matter of fact, I went into labor hours after the last post. This time, I had an uneventful birth. Some blood pressure dips and bleeding were the extent of it...I just might do all this one more time! (In a couple years) Life is great...he is a sweet baby with an adorable personality. Gracie fell in love immediately, and is like a mother hen. She does, of course, have her moments of jealousy, but they are few and far between. I have been blessed!

I'm going to tell you a little secret about me. I am a perfectionist. I like my house to be just so, my car to be clean (inside and out), my clothes ironed, my daughter to match, etc. I cry when I burn dinner, my day can be ruined by a stained shirt. That is just me. A few minutes ago, I stepped on a Fruit Loop in my bedroom. Crushed it all into the's 11:00 at night and way too late to get out my vacuum to clean it. So I stood there and looked at it for a few minutes. Then I thought of how lucky I am to have Fruit Loops on my floor. I have a beautiful little girl, who happens to love Fruit Loops, and she happens to sometimes drop them. That's what we prayed for, isn't it? Maybe not a floor covered in sugary cereal, but a child that is healthy enough to leave her mommy little messes. So, tonight I'm just going to leave my floor, covered with crushed Fruit Loops...and know that I am blessed.

Kayleigh is a very little lady, fighting a VERY big fight. Please join us in praying for her and her family.

Gracie's webpages!

Scrapbook Pages
I have been scrapbooking online a little lately, so I'll post a few. Hopefully it will get better as I go!

Florida Vacation!

Mom, Gracie and I went to Florida in June of 2008 for my grandma's memorial service. Even though it was a sad occasion, we had a great time, and Grace got to meet a lot of family. Some pictures are posted here.

Lily's Memorial

Our Testimony

Plan of Salvation
Are you saved? Do you know for sure that you are a child of the King? Heaven is more beautiful than we can ever imagine...and hell is worse than our minds can believe. Heaven and hell are real...and one day you really will go to one or another. Make Heaven your choice today. It's simple...and it's the most important thing you'll ever do.
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker