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An educational community service message.

Gloria Poole Pappas is a registered nurse who is involved in many online Christian, anti-abortion websites. She is a painter, scholar, and health care expert. She has campaigned tirelessly against effeminate men, demoncrats, and catholics. She strongly supports the rights of fetuses. Her impressive body of literary work can be found all over the internet, throughout a vast network of dozens if not hundreds of websites.

She is also completely and totally insane.

But don't take our word for it. Let Gloria convince you herself! This page is a tribute to Gloria's prolific, frightening, and often comical literary works.

Gloria's "black" profile.

Favorite Quotes from Gloria Poole Pappas:

I am writing this to complain about the Big Brother government that destroyed my computer with an electrical current to  prevent me from complaining about Denver and the local government and the local government run TV channel.


The wicked Universities use their computer labs to send out viruses against those who are openly opposed to the demoncrats., spam-flooded my bulletin board* in the past two weeks with hundreds of messages that were not messages at all but  viruses! That University from hell, is going to get caught and I hope I am instrmental in helping that be accomplished. And I  hope the FBI is tracking my work and the evil one and his agents from hell too and sifting the good from the evil and  prosecuting the evil.


The demons from hell tried to prevent me from posting on blogs for a while.


Real women have babies! The attribute that defines real women is ovaries and the child-bearing ability. That anatomical  difference is what sets women apart from men. It is also why men need women! Real women can cook. Real women don't dye their  hair. Real women don't wear false eyelashes or fake body parts. Real women don't curse. Real women don't use contraceptives.  Real women do not withhold sex from their husbands. Real women don't wear pants except when they are appropriate to the task  at hand for example bicycling and then they don't wear them so tight they show off every crease of a woman's body. Real women  don't go to psychiatrists but instead seek The Lord and His ways of healing.


The good news this week is that the man who hacked 97 US Government computers is on his way to jail. I am thrilled! I hope he  was the one who was hacking mine on behalf of Planned Unparenthood so when they lock him up for hacking The Pentagon they  will also set me free of him


The absolute defining moment in a woman's life is the birth of her baby. It is one area of life that women dominate!
I have personally had my blog changed from my image to a black silhouette when I am a white woman , and for what reason? Are  black men more socially acceptable and p.c. than white women and is that the motive of the blog hosting company? Who knows?


I am a white woman
. I point this out because there are other women, who happen to be black, who use the name "gloria poole" but no one knows how they came by that name , whereas I was born with it. A few years ago, I posted on the internet my career resume in South Georgia and in NC. I have much experience and significant education. Then soon after that I discovered via my effort to protect my name and reputation, that three more "gloria poole"s appeared, sort of out of the blue. Those three are black from what I can tell by research. I wrote one of them asking her how she came by her name. Her response? She tried to get the Tallahassee {FL] Police to harass me but neither they nor she ever answered my question. The Tallahassee Police told me the one at the University there has a "driver's license". So what? So does about a million illegal immigrants. As to the other women who are possibly using my name I can tell you what I know. One is supposedly an artist and I am an artist since 1973,have had my work written about and photographed by The Newnan Times outside of Atlanta, GA and public exhibits; all before she "appeared" with my name. The third "gloria poole" who is a black woman is supposedly a home health care aide. I do not know whether they "deserve" the name or not. I know I do! My 200+ extended family can attest to the name given me at birth and as far as I know none of them protest the use of my own name.


The censorship of probably the heathen catholic church has prevented the "cut and paste " function of my private computer  from working.


The system appears to be working but in reality it is not!
It has not made any changes to my updated ezine in days, though I  have made many changes! I think the code writers put in trick code to make it not work! It could just be blatant  discrimination against me because I am a Christian heterosexual. I have experienced that a lot. Maybe the FCC will turn the  tables on those who discriminate by forcing companies to make available to any and every private CHRISTIAN any service and on  the same terms that they make it available to pagans or homosexuals.

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