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The Veldt

Passing through the wilderness of Life
The paths radiate outward in endless spirals
Strange memories lead us on
Through the labyrinth of timeless dreams

The dark sea raging beneath the surface
Hides ancestral spirits
Their voices whispering in unison
Clamoring for a foothold in the waking mind

Sometimes in a quiet moment
When the restless motion of ancient fears
Brims to the surface
We catch a glimpse of the source
The heart of all humanity
The dreamland where shadows play
Their shapes moving slowly
Across the wasteland of the past
Echoes of a primeval dream-time
Before cerebrum
Beyond the threshold of awareness

In a one flashing moment
We are apes once again
On an ancient hunt
Glowing tarsier eyes staring from the bushes
Stars emerging in the twilight
Cool breeze blowing dust across the veldt
In the dark African night