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Life Everlasting 


Sunlight blinking through fern fronds

Hanging from red clay walls

Water trickling down chute

Falling lyrically into oval pool

Droplets splashing melodically

Into tea colored water

Memories rising like mists

From the depths of time

Children sliding down wet clay, whoosh

Sinking toes into soft moist soil

Feeling squishy mud caress soles of feet

Dank smell of leaves decomposing in liquid

Cool drafts of air breezing across my brow

Sprinkled with body dew in summer swelter

Tangled vines draping across gaping chasm

Sun creeping higher into morning blue sky

Crow cawing high in treetops

Lazy frog plodding across wet leaves

Decades sliding by in surreal procession

Incipient awareness of my aging body

Lost years of solitude

Endless parade of shattered dreams

Acknowledged and then let go of

Familiar faces grown hazy in the minds eye

Many long gone from this earthly realm


Forest peace settling over me

Opiate of woodland serenity

Lulling me into reverie

Sun penetrating skin with soothing heat

My face illumined in golden afterglow

Of happy memories

Bliss of love recalled bringing soft smile

Ageless beauty of ancient rhythms of nature

Surrounding me in timeless magic

Gnarled roots of trees

Intertwining with each other

In exquisite nature tapestry

Vision of hope

In this afternoon of my life