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King of Carnival


Car engines sputtering fumes of vintage gas

3 million year old carbonized vegis

In the phantom night of the apocalypse

Coming in technicolor to a theater near you

Soon, soon, but not soon enough

To stave off the vermin of Gotham

Crawling out of sewage pipes into the kitchen

Laying satanic eggs across the linoleum

Hatching little antichrists

In the long count down to Armageddon

Need Jesus the exterminator

To drive down from Jersey

In a brand new Lincoln Continental

Straight out of Detroit with gold fenders

Horn blowing like angel's trumpets

Escorted by the secret service

Across the wasteland of Tennessee

All the way down to funky Louieeyesanna

Only to get stuck in swamp mud

Outside of Laplace

But Jesus bein the cool God he is

Just mumbles a few Hebrew spells

An that ole car just floats right outta that muck

Rollin down the river to New Orleans

Where the Dukes of Dixieland welcome him

Blowin that sax with hymns of golden eternity

As he takes up his lordly role

As the king of carnival!

Wearin a tuxedo and lookin,  Mr. Cool

An man he's just the hottest act since the pope came

Hair combed back in a pompadour

Leather slacks and a look

That Mel Gibson would envy

He's sittin up on top of that float like the pharaoh

Throwin beads and doubloons all blessed

Guaranteed as a miracle cure

For any sickness you care to imagine

He looks down from the throne

And his body starts glowin

Like one of those 60 watt bulbs

The crowd gets all quiet like

They just stand there staring at this cool cat

Wondering what other tricks he's gonna pull

Jesus decides it's time to split this scene

He's done enough shows and's ready to retire

But he wants to go out in style

So right before he splits the scene

He ends poverty and hunger

An even abolishes death

Then he takes a bow

An poof he's gone

The coolest cat ever