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Ghosts of the New Orleans Night        


Memories come, fleetingly, tracing their way

Through the vortex of my consciousness

Tired rumblings of the mind

A rose garden tucked away

In the junkyards of the city

Sparrows pecking popcorn

Among the ruins of old tires

I follow the river of streets

To an oasis of green

Old grizzly men splayed out

Across park benches

Goldfish pass quietly through the pool

The fountain splashing

In sparkles of golden light

My tiny body floating across the city

Like a leaf carried by a stream

Flowing with the tide of traffic

Till familiar streets close in on me

Shadows etched on brown grass

Twilight lingering in silhouettes of people

Shades darting across city streets

Car lights glowing in ethereal afterglow of day

Rumbling of engines in Doppler fade out

I amble across sidewalk

My angular figure crawling like shadow puppet

Seeking home through wilderness of humanity

So alone yet free

The house lights glimmer warmly

In the humid night air

Kids shuffling into homes

Mothers calling names

Inside record plays sentimental tunes

Sweet jazz piping from phonograph

A cascade of enticing noise

Splashing across my ears

The scent of shrimp boiling

The tiredness of mother's sigh

 Echoing through my loneliness

Like a whisper of truth

Life fades into void

As though we never existed

Not even a footnote to history

Dust motes suspended

For a blink of eternity