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Late Afternoon sunlight slants across the room

Patterns in orange dance

Through the window panes

The trees outside appear

Blurred in reddened light paint

Like the vision of an artist

Conjured from some mythical time

Shadows crawl across the lawn

Etching the light green in patterns of coal

Like dark clouds

The blackness spreads across the lawn

Till the trees silhouetted like ancient Titans

Haunting my world with preternatural beauty


My mind sinks into melodic reverie

All illusions dissipating

Like snow melting on a mountain top

The rivulets of dissolved fantasy

Trickling into never never land

Reality blinding me

With flashes of annihilating light

Burning away the mask of my knowledge

Leaving only emotions

Delicate like baby fern fronds

Waiting to extend into beautiful nature art

My mind yearning to be touched

By life creating fire

The carbons sparked into amino acids

Double helixes growing like tiny flowers

The birth of new forms of being

In the midst of a luscious garden of love

Your touch the rich earth

Which nourishes my roots

My body the open flower craving your pollen

You open each petal of my heart

With gentle persistence laying bare my center

Gently cradling my most secret self

Holding the vulnerable egg of my deepest feelings

With motherly tenderness stroking my center

The lilting of your loving words

Falling like gentle rain upon my soul

Each syllable full of the sweet nectar of your love

Calling me like far off wind chimes

Into a world beyond fear

Where the song of life never ends