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Three Rivers Woman's Club
Wisdom, Charity, Service

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Three Rivers Woman’s Club is chapter of the General Federated Women’s Club.  Our mission is to do random acts of kindness for our community.  We strive to work together to raise funds so that we may help many organizations in the Three Rivers area. 

The Three Rivers Woman’s Club has contributed to the community in these ways:

  • Annually purchases mitten/gloves for the school children

  • Taken care of a local family’s Christmas while their dad was in Iraq

  • Annually provide scholarships to two woman that are pursing a college degree

  • Provided the necessary money for a young man to perform at Carnegie Hall

  • Provide the Senior Citizens with a donation for their annual Health Fair

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our community!

For more information, contact Gina B

Visit our national website at