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Welcome to GG's Planet

My 4 Fav Things to Do of All Time

Other places by me!=)

My Gallery of art


Welcome to my page!:)

Hiya!!! Welcome to me second internet home. I'm using this page currently to post quizes me by me and my friends and also quizes I realy like. Oh and on the quizes made by magicalrecorder if your a member to quizilla can you message me on if you like my theam or not?

Hey have you ever been to quizilla? No? Then you should check it out!!!! It's full of awsome quizes and that just the start! It also has things like stories poems, journals and much much more!!!!! The best part all the quizes ect. are by people like me and you!!! Oh and if you join at no cost you'll get to upload images create theams for your quizes stories ect. and of course make quizes stories then pubish them for all to see! Plus theres cool features like messageing and friends list you can even see what your friends have been doing on the site!!!!

So thats it for now please keep checking back because I'm changeing things ALL the time!

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.I hope you like it and enjoyed it! Please come back and visit again!

Oh and if you want to conbtact me at quizilla I'm maigicalrecorder

If you are wondering were I got the background It's on my quiz wich one of my firends are you. b>
These are my favorite smileys and so I thought I would show them here

Hey check out my gallery to see some awsome pics!

What's your element? With anime pics!

You are earth. You are kind and careing but you have a kind of distance from everyone. You feel lost and aren't sure why. You spend most of your time alone in the forests talking to all the creatures. You love to care for what is sick and the enviroment is you lagest task. You need too live a little though. Because know one knows better than you how short life can realy be.
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Wich one of my three friends are you? (with anime picks that look like them!)

You are Lizzy. She is a tough and rude. But if your her friend she giveing and fun loveing. She hates it when people pick on her shortness (So thats what I do) So don't because you do you'll go home with a broken arm (if your lucky she'll stop there)!!!! Lizzy is my #1 parner in crime and it's SO much fun to get in trubble with Lizzy! My thought on you are: If your any thing like lizzy your tough and fun to get in trubble with so hey want to be my partner in crime? Her favorie color is: Green Her magical element is: Darkness Other things she likes: Animals, anime, and anyting magical. Boy name she likes: Zach
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I'm going to put my favorite quizes here so there will be more soon!
adopt your own virtual pet!

Background music for my aunt

because she reads my email at the worst part of the day

To cheer her up.

thank you!