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Home of the Dob Lovers Web Page

What I Love About Dogs!

Their Affection.

Their Companionship.

Their Humorous Personalities.

Their Loyalty and Devotion.

The History of Dogs.

The Dog Chain.

The Family Pet Album Web Page.

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I think the greatest experience is being able to have a dog at least once in your life. It is an experience you will never forget. There is so much you could say about having a dog as a companion. One thing about having a dog is your heart melts every time you look into their eyes. When you show your dog affection they give you so much more in return. Dogs really have a way of showing you how much they love you. For instance, they can’t wait for you to come home. They will be there waiting for you to come home and as soon as you open the door they will shower you with affection. You can tell how happy they are to see you when you come home by their wagging tails and the look on their faces. Dogs really do have a lot facial expressions. It doesn’t matter what kind of a day you are having, your dog will make it better. The other thing you could say about having a dog is their companionship. They are one of the best companions you could ever have.


Their Affection.

Affection is what dogs yearn for all the time. They want to be by your side everywhere you go. They will sit next to you while you watch TV, no matter what you are watching. They will also keep you company while you read a book. If you really want to make them happy you could take long walks with them. Your companion will greet you with so much love when you return for the day; it’s hard to be in a bad mood. When a dog loves you it is truly unconditional. It does not matter what you say or do they will still love you anyway. So if you are looking for a true companion you should have no trouble finding it with a dog.


Their Companionship.

Dogs are great companions to have. A pet is great to have around you to keep you company when you need it. They love spending time with you, be it at home in the back yard, or at the park sitting next to you on the a bench. When something is on your mind they will sit there while you talk to them about you it. They won’t interrupt you when you’re talking to them. If you are sad they will cuddle with you and make you feel better.


Their Humorous Personalities.

Dogs can be one of the funniest pets in the world. They always seem to make you smile. Their funny antics include, but not limited to, stealing your stuff, taking tissues out of the box, bobbing for ice cubes out of the water bowl, and stealing toys from each other. You can't forget playing with one of their favorite toy by squeaking it repetitively. This can really drive you crazy. I think another funny moment is when they have a bunch of toys in front of them, trying to chew them all at once.


Their Loyalty and Devotion.

You can't find anything more loyal then your dog. They never hold a grudge, even after you scold them harshly. When they have done something wrong, they still want to come up and give you all their love.


The History of Dogs.

The history of dogs goes way back, even before the carnivore families like bears and cats. You might find it interesting to check out The Pet Care Tips web page for some interesting facts about the history of dogs.


The Dog Chain.

Here is some places to go for just about anything you might want to know about dogs.

The American Kennel Club This is a great place to find out just about anything you would like to know about dogs.

Dog Friendly A great site for anyone who likes to travel with their companion.

Pet Finder If you are looking for a new companion you can't miss this site.

Dog Quotes This is a neat place for general information about dogs.


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