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Zithromax and our health. Appetite suppressant drugs. Hair loss types. The causes of sexual disorders. Home improvement in your hands.

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Zithromax and our health.

uses of Zithromax

Zithromax is an antibiotic ( macrolide-type ) used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It works by stopping growth of bacteria.

This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It'll not work for viral infections ( e. g. , common cold, flu ) . Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness.

how to use of Zithromax

Take Zithromax by mouth with or without food, usually once a day, or as directed by your doctor. You may take Zithromax with food if stomach upset occurs.

Antibiotics work best when ...

Manage own health

Appetite suppressant drugs

Appetite suppressant drugs

Many people are tempted by ads that use celebrities to tout liquid fasting diets for weight loss. Ads claim quick and easy weight loss with use of such products. Very obese patients may be referred to these types of diets. Their diets are carefully supervised by their healthcare provider.

Proper use of these diets requires close monitoring and follow-up. To promote lasting weight loss, lifestyle changes must be made by the dieter while on the fast.

During a binge, 10,000 to 20,000 calories can be consumed throughout the day. Binges usually consist of foods like cookies, candy, chips, ice cream and many other high calorie foods. Binges are often done in secret. After a binge, many of the feelings that caused the binge, like stress, may have subsided only to be replaced with feelings of guilt and lack of self-control.

Body composition describes the percentages of fat, muscle and bone in your body. Many experts think men's bodies should be between 12 to 18 percent fat, while women's should be 18 to 22 percent fat.

Knowing your body composition can help you design a fitness program to build more fat-burning muscle. Resolving to change your body composition and not simply to lose weight, can improve your overall health.

However obesity, is more appropriately considered a chronic disease than a lifestyle choice. Other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, and high blood pressure, are managed by long-term drug treatment, even though these diseases also improve with changes in lifestyle, such as diet and exercise. Although this issue may concern physicians and patients, social views on obesity should not prevent patients from seeking medical treatment to prevent health risks that can cause serious illness and death.

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Hair loss types

Hair loss types

Correct use of conditioners containing light proteins, such as hydrolyzed human hair keratin proteins, can help strengthen your hair. A good conditioner with these proteins can easily penetrate the hair shaft to replenish nutrients. These proteins can also repair split ends. Split ends develop after the protective cuticle has been stripped away from the end of hair fibers as a result of harsh chemicals or even vigorous brushing.

In most cases, immediately after the hair transplant the hairs fall out of the grafts, and do not regrow for 1-3 months. After this they begin to grow as normal hair. With each session there is more hair, and the resulting appearance is thicker hair.

Women with localized thinning on the top of their heads or thinning around the temples often make good candidates for hair transplantation. Prior to evaluation for hair transplantation, it is important for women to discuss your thinning hair with a dermatologist and/or endocrinologist to make sure there is no other treatable reason for the hair loss.

Whether hair transplantation is a viable option for a woman with mild to moderate hair loss is a question to be answered by close consultation between the woman and the physician hair restoration specialist. Into that determination will go the patient's medical history, hair loss history, family medical and hair loss history, physical examination, scalp examination and laboratory tests as indicated by other examination results.

Alopecia Areata - In this type of hair loss, hair usually falls out, resulting in totally smooth, round patches about the size of a coin or larger. It can, rarely, result in complete loss of scalp and body hair. This disease may affect children or adults of any age. The cause of alopecia areata is unknown. Apart from the hair loss, affected persons are generally in excellent health. In most cases, the hair regrows by itself. Dermatologists can treat many people with this condition. Treatments include topical medications, a special kind of light treatment, or in some cases pills.

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The causes of sexual disorders

The causes of sexual disorders

Emotional factors affecting sex include both interpersonal problems (such as marital/relationship problems, or lack of trust and open communication between partners) and psychological problems within the individual (depression, sexual fears or guilt, past sexual trauma, and so on).

For both men and women, these conditions can manifest as an aversion to, and avoidance of, sexual contact with a partner. In men, there may be partial or complete failure to attain or maintain an erection, or a lack of sexual excitement and pleasure in sexual activity.

There may be medical causes to these disorders, such as decreased blood flow or lack of vaginal lubrication. Chronic disease can also contribute, as well as the nature of the relationship between the partners. As the success of sildenafil (Viagra) attests, most erectile disorders in men are primarily physical, not psychological conditions.

The creation of an erection is an extremely complicated cascade of events that requires many different things to happen. There are numerous chemical transmitters involved in this including epinephrine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, prostaglandins and nitric oxide. The exact mechanism by which erection occurs is still unclear but we do know that the neural input from the brain is extremely important. Reflex erections, as seen in people with cord damage such as paraplegics, are often poor erections and not sustainable for prolonged periods of intercourse.

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