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Gahmah's Lair of Trauma

Welcome! Welcome to Gahmah's website! Here, I can show my artwork, which I'm betting some of you want to see. This site here will update frequently, but not constantly. And don't beg constantly for more artwork, 'cause I have a life too, ya'know!

If you're wondering why all the text is red, let's just say Gahmah enjoys writing stuff in [human] blood.

Latest Updates!
2/14/07End of Angelfire Lair, Moved to Photobucket.
Gahmah Raan Shadows - AvatarYep. Gahmah has run out of webspace on Angelfire (at least run out of enough for the newer, artistically better drawings, and we free-users only get 20 MB!). Anyway, Gahmah has moved to Photobucket, so if you want to see any more artwork, look in the links section for the new site.

And commenters on this site's work, please comment to say something about the website and/or Gahmah's artwork, not to promote other websites. What happened to the days when people were commenting for more than just website sponsoring?!

Who is Gahmah?

Gahmah's Favorite Websites and Links

Gahmah's Artwork (Old Site)
Gahmah's Artwork (New Site)
Star Wars - Official Website
LucasArts - Official Website
Star Wars: Blogs
Gahmah's Lair of Trauma
Star Wars: Databank
Wookieepedia - The Star Wars Wiki