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Joshua Carnes

Player: Steve

Chronicle: Twilight Cities - Approved

Tribe: Glasswalker

Nature: Caregiver

Demeanor: Predator

Concept: Police Officer

Relation: Sister Is Garou



Physical: Strength: 3, Dexterity: 3, Stamina: 2

Social: Charisma: 2, Manipulation: 2, Appearance: 2

Mental: Perception (Detail Oriented): 4, Intelligence: 2, Wits: 3



Talents: Alertness: 3, Athletics: 1, Brawl: 2, Dodge: 3, Empathy: 3, Intimidation: 1, Streetwise: 2, Subterfuge: 1

Skills: Drive: 2, Firearms (Auto-Pistol): 4, Masseuse: 2, Melee: 2, Stealth: 1

Knowledge: Bureaucracy: 1, Computer: 1, Investigation: 2, Law: 2, Linguistics: 2 (English*, Japanese, Spanish), Occult: 2, Police Procedures: 2



Numina: Psychic Vampirism: 1, Soul Stealing: 2

Backgrounds: Contacts: 1, Equipment: 1, Resources: 4


Willpower: 7 (Total: 7)


Experience: Total: 26, Total Spent: 68

Details: Computer, Dodge, Empathy, Firearms x2, Melee, Subterfuge

Brawl (7-17-06), Dexterity (5-7-06), Drive (3-5-07), Empathy (1-13-07), Investigation (7-17-06), Masseuse (5-7-06, 6-22-06), Occult (7-17-06), Police Procedures (1-13-07, 3-5-07), Psychic Vampirism (1-13-07)


Merits: Danger Sense

Flaws: Intolerance (Street Gangs), Notoriety, Short Fuse


Possessions: Custom Service Gun (Glock .40 S&W Auto-Pistol) & Three Clips, Uniform and Other Everyday Clothes, (some other special toys), Open & Concealment Rig For Glock, Class C Vest, Tactical Folding Knife



Being a Garou's kinfolk wasn't as easy as it could be. It was good to get out from under my sister's way too overprotective presence. Besides, the job offer called for me to relocate and it was a welcome change of scenery. I had grown tired of the disrespectful way that the other Garou in the area were treating me with. I was bad, but not that bad.. Sure I had learned a few of the forbidden talents, but that was no reason to treat me the way they had. Oh well, to hell with them all anyway.

They seemed offended by my talent at spotting their kind almost at will. Why I have no idea. They just said it wasn't natural. How could it not be natural? I did it without thinking. It just happened. They feared it. That was it. It had to be.

Sis tried to talk me out of the move but I just blew her off. I had to get the hell out of there. Find a new place and start over. Get a fresh start. Well, things were going fairly smooth until i ran into some of those city-wolves. They used their other puppets within the precinct to set me up with a new beat. They felt that they were doing me a favor. Yeah, like I want to watch your damned Caern borders for you. Oh well, the bonus had made it worth it. Not to mention the fringe benefits of getting to know most of the Garou in the area. That never hurt.

My precinct boss made it perfectly clear that he knew exactly how he had managed to land the job. Not that he had a problem with it, he was simply making it clear that he would be there to assist me in little things that I might need. He's a good man and I trust him. After some of the things we have discussed, we have a very good understanding of one another.

Anyway, only time will tell.