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Jason Blade


Justin Flash


FUSION !!!!!!!

Fusion news
UPDATED: 8-13-06


This is the opening to our new DVD .Hope you enjoy.

Jason Blade 101

the history of Jason Blade.clips from RAW,UCW,SCWA,and AIWF.

Saturday June 29th Fusion GX faced one of their toughet test yet.As Justin & Jason looked across the ring they saw the Riders,toughest group in the AIWF. Famine and the monster WAR were the two members to face Fusion GX for the gold and with Creeping Death on the outside, Fusion would have their hands full. Fusion quickly took control of the match until they were stopped cold in their tracks by the monster War and with a beatin down Fusion Famine quickly went to work picking at the wounded of GX. But with the crowd strongly behind Fusion they were able to battle back and hit their finsiher the FGX. As Justin Was Going for the pin Jason jumped onto WAR to allow Justin enough time to make the 123,Fusion GX remain your AIWF Tag Champs!!!

Saturday August 5 2006 AIWF in Mount Airy NC,in the Main Event it was Fusion GX Vs the Riders ( Pestilence & Famine ) in one very hard hiting match.the Riders did a very good job in singling out Justin Flash and keeping the big man on the apron.The match was favoring the Riders until Pestilence put Jason in a tree of woe and start stomping him and as Justin Climbed up the same turnbuckle to free Jason,Pestilence crouched him.Pestilence then climbed the turnbuckle and start fighting with just,Jason rose up from the tree and grabed Pestilence around the wast and slung him off the top but on the way down Pestilence held on to Flash throwing both men hard until the mat and as the crowd stud in aw Famine made a leap of faith and jumped from corner to corner hitting an upside down Jason Blade in the midsection,all 4 men were down for the count and in a last minute chance at victory Jason grabed Pestilence for the GX Drop for the 1-2-3,

Check out the new gaer.thanks to Empire Wear

We are working on getting Justin Flash and Jason Blade T shirts,Promos and Action Figures. We will have these ready soon.

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