Figure 8.4.

(eh) Split Load Phase Inverter.

Figure 8.5 eh begins on the left with an input terminal. The terminal goes to the grid of V1. The grid also goes through R1, 470 k ohm to ground. The cathode of V1 goes through the parallel combination of R2, 1 k ohm, and C1, no value, to ground. The plate of V1 goes through R3, 100 k ohm, to B plus. The plate also goes directly to the grid of V2. The cathode of V2 goes through r4, 33 k ohm to ground. The cathode also goes through C3, no value, to one of the two output connections of the circuit. The plate of V2 goes through R5, 33k ohm, to B plus. The plate also goes through C2, no value, to the other output connection. End description of part eh.

(b) Long Tail Pair Phase Inverter.

Figure 8.5 B begins on the left with an input terminal. The terminal goes to the grid of V1. The grid also goes through R1, 470 k ohm to ground. The cathode of V1 goes through the parallel combination of R2, 1 k ohm, and C1, no value, to ground. The plate of V1 goes through R3, 100 k ohm, to B plus. The plate also goes directly to the grid of V2 eh. The grid of V2 eh goes through R4, 1 meg ohm, to the grid of V2B. The grid of V2B goes through C2, no value, to ground. The cathodes of V2 eh and V2B are connected together and go through R7, 12 k ohm, to ground. The plate of V2 eh goes through R6, 33 k ohm, to B plus. The plate also goes through C3, no value, to one of the two output connections. The plate of V2B goes through R5, 39 k ohm, to B plus. The plate also goes through C4, no value, to the other output connection. End verbal description.
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