Figure 6.2 Figure 6.1 With a Shorted Transistor. Plus 12 volts is at the top of the diagram and ground is at the bottom. A resistor, R1, 39 k ohms, has one end connected to plus 12 volts. The other end connects to a point where all 4 resistors in this circuit are connected together. The connection point also connects to another resistor, R2, 6.8 k ohms. The other end of R2 goes to ground. One end of a resistor, RC, 5.6 k ohms, connects to plus 12 volts. The other end of Rc connects to the same connection point. Another resistor, R E, 1.2 k ohms, has one end connected to ground. The other end connects to the same connection point. End verbal description.
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