Figure 4B.12. The cathode of a pentode goes through an RF choke to ground. On the left is a 455 kHz crystal. One end is grounded and the other end goes to the grid of the pentode. The grid goes through a resistor to ground. The grid also goes through a capacitor to the cathode. The cathode goes through another capacitor to ground. The screen grid goes to B plus. There is a capacitor from B plus to ground. The bottom of the primary of a 455 kHz I F transformer goes to B plus. The top of the primary goes to the plate of the pentode. The suppressor of the pentode goes to ground. The bottom of the secondary of the I F transformer goes to ground. The top goes to the grid, pin 3, of a 7360 beam deflection tube. The cathode, pin 1, goes through a paralleled resistor and capacitor to ground. The capacitor is large enough to bypass the RF but too small to bypass the audio. The screen grid, pin 2, goes through a capacitor to ground. The screen also goes to B plus. Each deflector goes through its own resistor to plus 25 volts. The left hand deflector, pin 9, goes through a capacitor to ground. The right deflector goes through a capacitor to a point labeled audio input. The plates, pins 6 and 7, each go to one end of the primary of a 455 kHz I F transformer. A center tap on the primary goes to B plus. The secondary goes to two output terminals. End of verbal description.
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