Figure 4B.10. At the center of the diagram is an arrangement of diodes that I'll bet most sighted people will take for a bridge rectifier. It is not. Starting at the top corner of the bridge and moving clockwise, The top corner is connected to the cathode of a diode. The anode of this diode is connected to the right corner. The right corner is also connected to the cathode of a second diode. The anode of this diode is connected to the bottom corner. The bottom corner is also connected to the cathode of a third diode. The anode of this diode goes to the left corner. The left corner also connects to the cathode of a fourth diode. The anode of this diode connects to the top corner, closing the ring. On the left are two input terminals. These connect to the primary of an RF transformer. The secondary of this transformer connects to the top and bottom of the ring of diodes. At the bottom is another RF transformer and the terminals on its primary are pointing to the right indicating they are output terminals. The secondary of this transformer connects to the left and right corners of the diode ring. There are two more input terminals on the left. One goes to the center tap on the secondary of the left hand transformer. The other terminal goes to the center tap on the secondary of the bottom transformer. End of verbal description.
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