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My Ranting
Thursday, 23 February 2006
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Evanesence- Imaginary
Topic: Sadness yeah i got about 2 hrs of sleep last night.....kinda sucks and i was way late this was bad...but oh well i got to school on time...i have to go to court tomorrow not looking forward to that...but OMG i get a thousand dollar check the day i turn 18 and i will every 6 months for 4 years. so yeah thats the only happy thing that i have for today...robert is mad at me becuase jeremy cant keep his fucking mouth shut! it pisses me off! but yeah..well i think hes mad at me...maybe i wil ljust keep my mouth shut to jeremy and sarah cuz sarah thinks that she should know every thing that goes on with me and robert and she has no clue about what i feel or whats going on and then she tells robert and robert isl ike wow...i shouldnt tell he just gonna not tell her anything....

im sick to my stomache again thinking that im just your friend...

well i know that there isnt anything new to say...just that im pissed off cuz of everything. jeremy is flipping his shit over nothing and i dont even fucking love him! ugh! but yeah....

having lived through all the heartache ive learned to deal with it

alright thats all for extremly bored...and there is nothing to do

its hard to wait around for something that i know wont happen.

the truth we lie...

i wear my heart on my sleeve

alright that is really it...and my lil quotes for the day...alright....bye bye!!

Posted by planet/funkykitten at 5:36 AM
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Wednesday, 22 February 2006
BCIS Ranting
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Lacuna Coil- Heavens A Lie
Topic: bordum! yeah..i just got this im hopeing that it works well cuz i need this so i dont die of bordum in BCIS...and i need something to rant to so yeah...highschool....what to say about just glad that i only have one more year...its great...but i have no clue about what i wanna do here is what im thinking...tell me if its nuts!

English IV
Molecular Bio
Theater Arts I
Astronomy is that crazy?? lol but yeah..i have to take all four years of kinda sucks...damn parents...but yeah...

what do you do when your world is falling apart?

i really dont know what to do...its like no matterwhat i do im never good enough. i mean i should be happy but i dont know how to be..i mean he made me happy but then he told me i was a do i deal with that...and then one of my friends likeing him and him likeing her back...its like do i ever get to be happy??

all these breakup songs are starting to make sense and i really wish that they didnt...

i mean i never really dated him but i mean...he was happy when he was near me and i was happy and he knew it and i knew it..but why did he have to do that to me and then all of the sudden say that he regreted it..i mean am i that fucking repulsive!! ugh! fucking highschool drama! i told myself that i would never cry over another guy again... but that is all i seem to be good at! ugh! and i mean now i have a guy that loves me and i say that i love him back but i really dont...he was there when i needed someone and he got the wrong idea...and now i dont know how to correct it....its horrible! ugh alright well i gotta run...oh and on top of it all...its the guy that im still in love with's birthday on thursday...and i dont know what to get him...what should i get??????? *confuzzled* alright well yeah...hopefully some answers will come to me in my sleep...or this weekend or sometime in my life before i kill myself!!!!

Posted by planet/funkykitten at 5:56 AM
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