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The Jacobin Dictatorship - The Leaders of the Mountain

The Jacobin Club

The Jacobins began as a social club in pre-revolution France. They met and discussed various ideas, mainly politics. Its prominent early members included Maximilean Robespierre, Napoleon Bonaparte, the dominating politician Mirabeau, Parisian deputy the AbbSiey, Dauphine deputy Antoine Barnave, Je Pion, the AbbGroire, Charles Lameth, Alexandre Lameth, Robespierre, the duc d'Aiguillon, and La Revellie-Leaux. During the dawn of the club, its meetings were held in secret. The name "Jacobins Club" was originally used to ridicule the club by its enemies. It originated from the Jacobin monastery where the club was based in Paris. The name stuck and was soon adopted by the club itself. The current president of the club was the duc d'Aiguillon. They defined their objectives as:
1. to discuss in advance questions to be decided by the National Assembly
2. to work for the establishment and strengthening of the constitution in accordance with the spirit of the preamble (that is, of respect for legally constituted authority and the Rights of Man)
3. to correspond with other societies of the same kind which should be formed in the realm. They were known for their left-wing political stance.

Key Members

Maximilien Robespierre
George Jacques Danton
Jean Paul Marat
Jean Baptiste Carrier

