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Radio sailing started in the Free State I don't know exactly when. Toward the end of the 80's there was an enormous surge in membership which lasted about 4 years. The Club went into serious decline, and became inactive.

Marcel Keyser was the driving force behind the Club starting up again. Together with Shaun Carroll and Kobus de Beer racing was resumed, and slowly but surely new faces were introduced.

At this stage there are several regulars sailing in the one metre  and Marblehead Classes.

We are extremely proud that we are able to acquit ourselves, if not well, at least honourably, at any event. Having a skipper of Shaun's calibre to keep us on our toes does help.


We are in the fortunate position that even though we do not have a large membership, we have a broad knowledge and skill base.

 This, together with a really lovely stretch of water with generally nice wind conditions makes Bloemfontein a popular venue. Being central does also help.


IAfter the recent very successful 2005 National Championships we feel confident that no event is too much...

We sail mainly the International One Metre, and there are several  Marbleheads as well. Down at the Gariep Dam we have the Wiese family keeping the Radio Control Sailing banner flying high. Dankie Christo!




To find out more about our Club, pop off an e-mail to us.




Developed, designed and built in the Free State. All credits to Kobus who put up with Shaun for the duration. The rest of us were quite scarce.

This is Kobus' boat. In the group photo Kobus is seated, centre.



Contact us for more details and info:

Shaun. Design and going fast. Our National Measurer. Our tactics fundi.

Andrew. SARSA President and our very capable Administrator.

Kobus. Building, and our Commodore.

Marcel has decided to take some time off from sailing.

Tony. Carries the buoys and canoe around. The Club S**t stirrer. Knows chapter and verse of the rules, as long as it is to his advantage. His new boat is called    "Oh Sh'one't"



Andrew Doyle


Marcel Keyser



Shaun Carrol


I didn't do Mike Summers' boat any good at the 2005 Nats

Our Webmaster, per se, is Tony Flanigan. We have to let him do something to make him feel that he is contributing to our general good.