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REMEMBER WHO U R . ::: .

"Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu"


marhaba, Mariem


The Key (Sura 1)

In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe

Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Master of the Day of Judgment

You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help

Guide us in the right path


the path of those whom You blessed;
not of those who have deserved wrath,
nor of the strayers


To be in His secret and good thoughts
that I'd never guessed.

There'll be glory in the morning;
with beautiful flowers all abloom

Maybe we can pick flowers for the Master;
to fill every room.

Yellow, tulips, while we are smiling;
see red roses of the sweetest love.

Buttercups, and asters, plenty to behold
in that great morning (there above).

Won't it be so wonderful when
we see the gleam of love in His eyes?

We shall all be so happy in beholding our Creator;
when to this earth we shall bid our goodbyes.

He’s the fairest of ten thousand & more;
He deserves our very best!

We will see God, as we take hold of Him;
we know In Him we can find rest.

He is worthy; He is worthy,
of every flower of our praises

For; He has eased our soul
and forever eased our mind.


One day the Sun will shine beyond dark moments
-one day the flowers will bloom again,
GOD is forever holding you
through these wintery moments.
Be strong and courageous,
He will never leave nor forsake you
He is calling you to Him on the
Whispers on the wind.

Remain true to yourself
Be Loved and stand strong to truth
in all ways acknowledge HIM
and be free for life!

:::Bryan Adams-singer:::

::: Sound The Buggle: Remember Who U R :::

Sound the buggle now,
play it just for me,
as the seasons change
remember how I used to be.

Now I can't go on
I can't even start
I've got nothing left just an empty heart.
I'm a soldier,wounded so I must give up the fight.
There's nothing more for me.lead me away,
or leave lying here.

Sound the buggle now,
tell them I dont care
there's not a road I know,that leads to anywhere
without a light I fear that I will stumble in the dark
lay right down,decide,not to go on.

Then from on high
somewhere in the distance
there's a voice that calls,
remember who you are.
If you lose yourself,
your courage soon will follow
so be strong tonight
remember who you are.

Yeah,you're a soldier now
fighting in the battle
to be free once more
Yeah,thats worth fighting for.

:::: End of Song ::::

Please never cease to trust in God
Do not look at a fate;
He let go by you
He has a plan for your life,
He now holds it

Please not once give in to your pain
or the past which robbed you of all
you could have been then,
for in the now,
is where you belong!

Stand tall - smile - hold your face to the wind,
for in this time He purposed for you to be strong!
Don't give in to your tears
you were made just right
created special & for a purpose!

Don't flinch to evil's cry
disguised in the open world
following a dead end path
trust in Our Lord Allah-
and you cannot go wrong!
It is where you belong
be just an ordinary man,
woman or child.

The He will release all those passions
which won't bind you strong to evil
and won't let you be free in your mind.
Just come to Him and you know
He will help you to obey His way
He sees in you what no other can.

He gives you all you can be
and all you ever needed in Him supplied
things will disintegrate,
but He lasts forever!

Your soul to Him is etched into Paradise,
your name is written in Him.
Come home, or to where you belong,
God knows your every call.

He only wishes you to know true rest & peace
comforts for your mind &
no more to know uncertainties.
give to HIM your all.
Let go of vanity.
To Him belong.
and finally "see" with your
very heart and soul..eternity.
as it is meant to be seen.

To Him I speak of all He has done for me!

(Composed by Me)

© Merilyn's Creations


If you're looking for a blessing
and it seems it just won't come;
doors are shut and friends are few,
and it seems you're all alone.
But the shaitan is a liar and a deceiver too,
God is not through blessing you.

You've been waiting on deliverance
and it seems it just won't come;
body sick, pains everywhere,
and it seems nobody cares.
But the shaitan is a liar and a deceiver too,
God is not through blessing you.


HE is not through blessing you.
HE is not through blessing you,
whatever whatever the problem,
He is able to do;
God is not through blessing you.


I Do Believe  Islam-Allah-The Misunderstood ONE 



© Marilyn's Creations

& OTHERS WILL PRAY WITH YOU: L.A.D.Y-55@hotmail.com

This one thing I do,
forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forward unto those things
which are before me,
I press toward the mark
for the prize of the high calling of God,
to be His slave,
and live in Heaven eternally.

A lot of people feel, "God loves me because he has to. But does he like me?" God actually likes you. He made you, and he’s got a beautiful purpose for your life.-Luis Palau-Wa Alaikum Assalam rahmatullah wa barakatu! Barakallahu feek!