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The Biggest Internet Launch Ever!! - Team Fire Leaders: Shawn, Christian, Fritz, Greg, Russ & Anthony is 1/3 of the Phase 2 Matrix!

I Will be signing up after one of the Leaders above!

Is A Social Network Home Based Business Opportunity

That's Predicted To Be Bigger Than

MySpace, YouTube, And Facebook Combined!!


MMT "Phase I" (the Social Side) was launched on April 25th. MMT Plus "Phase II" (the Network Side) launches Next.  MMT Plus is the "Money Making Side"!!


Make Money When...

                                   Someone Visits Your Site!
                                   Someone Sends a person to Your Site To Register!
                                   Someone Write's a Blog and Play Games!
                                   Someone Chat's or Video Chat's!
                                   Someone Send's or Receive Emails!
                                   Someone Watches your video on YouTube, Myspace Ect!
                                   Someone Download's,Upload's and Listen to Music!
                                   Someone Upload's and Watches Videos!

                                  <> Very Affordable -3 levels to get started: 

                                          FREE member, PAID member $19.95, and PRO member $59.95

You Make Money When You Advertise Your Business - Any Business - On Your Own 40
Page Personal Site!  You'll Get Paid On Every Click Or Page View Of Your Site!

It Will Have Technology That Allows Video Teleconferencing up to 2000 people at once!

Simply Put, "This Is Pure Genius."

Changing The Face of the Internet

Be A Part Of The Founding Team and Watch
Your Down Line Grow Exponentially!!


Ways To Earn Will include:

A 20% MATCHING Bonus, Force Filled Company Matrix,

Another 3 X 10 Forced Matrix, FAST STARTS, Monthly Residuals, and Global Pools.

Watch This Video

24Hr Launch Update:  (616) 712- 2848 Option #4


Get Instant Live Updates (By Email) For Free, Register Here:


 You can advertise any business you're in right now... Get more
leads....AND make passive income all at the same time.


Click on Gmail address below and "I WANT IN" in the subject area for MMT Plus - Phase II launch


Your email will never be sold, rented, or otherwise abused.

Reserve Your Spot

Step 1:  Register for Phase I (the Social Side) here:  It's free. 

Step 2:  Confirm Registration of Phase I by clicking on confirmation link that goes back into email.  Recommend a account. 

Step 4:  Wait for your "MMT Join Now" email link to come after the Phase II launch.  This will secure your position in the 3X10 Forced Matrix to make money! 

Step 5:  Click on the Gmail Address and send me the email in the subject line "I Want In" for Phase II.


Get Paid For Everything You Do Online. 

Get Paid Every Time Someone Visits Your Site

Whether They Buy Or Not!


Experts Are Telling Us That MyMusicTicket Will Be Bigger Than MySpace, YouTube, and Facebook!!


MySpace made over a Billion Dollars Last Year with over 250 million registered users!  Facebook has 700,000 New Members Joining Daily!  Did These Companies Share Any Profits With Their Members?  NO.


It's Time For You To Become A PROFITABLE Social Networker By Joining MMT Plus -Phase II Launch of "MyMusicTicket"


Free Member: These are the daily users, who use the system as a social networking site.

Basic Paid Member: $19.95/month. Income is earned from page views in the complete 3 x 10 matrix.  You also get 40 different pages to promote your own businesses.  When the matrix is full, there is monthly income on the matrix alone of over $118,000.  If you upgrade later to premium, it'll be $79.90 per month.

Premium Pro Member: $59.95/month.  This is a very interesting membership for everybody who wants to make a living with MMT.  You'll get paid on the matrix the same way as the Paid Member.  Can downgrade at any time to $19.95.

# Personally Sposored


# of Associates

Monthly Membership

Payout %

Payout $

$ Per Level

$ Cumulative

Per Level

Cumulative Total












































































$29, 490.00










Fast Start Bonuses:

1.) Basic $19.95 member sponsoring a paid member: $9 fast start bonus.
2.) Pro-member sponsoring a Pro-member: $30 fast start bonus.
3.) Basic member sponsoring a Basic member earns $2 monthly residual.  A Pro-member sponsoring a Pro-member earns $10 monthly residual.
4.) Basic member sponsoring a Pro-member DOES NOT get the $30 fast start nor the $10 residual.


Qualifications are made with  the following criteria:


At launch, the first 10,000 Pro-members do not have to do anything to qualify – they are automatically qualified as Pro-members and will get to shop with all the cool features – even without having a single person in the matrix.


Entry Qualifications after the first 10,000 Pro-members:

6 personally sponsored Pro-members and 20 Pro-members total in the matrix pays -this pays all the way to the bottom of the forced 3 X 10 matrix.


Global Pools

You can qualify for a share of the company's world-wide revenue.  This means, if you qualify for one of the Global Pools mentioned below, you'll get a share of the pool shared by all other qualified members.  The monthly share in each pool could grow to over $1 Million.


Silver Pool:          30 personally sponsored Pro-members

Gold Pool:            50 personally sponsored Pro-members

Platinum Pool:  100 personally sponsored Pro-members


3 X 10 Matrix:


1.)  All $19.95 and $59.95 members are paid 3 X 10 compensation.

2.)  All $19.95 and $59.95 members get the Uni-Level bonuses on page views and traffic to their sites.

3.)  Uni-Level pays 20% matching bonus on 5 generations (not levels) of personally sponsored geneology.


Uni-Level Bonuses:


1.)  A Free Trial of a music-video package will be offered to all members at sign up.

2.)  If you take the Free Trial, you are paid $4.

3.)  You are paid $1 through 5 generations for everyone in your Uni-Level who takes the Free Trial.

4.)  If you don't take the Free Trial yourself, you DO NOT qualify for the 5 generations, $1 bonus on those who do.

5.)  Purchased traffic (directed hits to your site) will earn you $2 down 5 generations deep on all those who buy a traffic package.

6.)  All Traffic to your site (including your own page views) will be compensated per page view.

7.)  You'll earn 20% matching bonus on 5 generations of page views in your Uni-Level.



Click the Gmail address below and in subject area put "I WANT IN "

Your email will never be sold, rented, or otherwise abused.


One very interesting thing you'll get as a Pro-member is your very own MMT-shop on your site where items can be sold, items such as clothes and a lot of other retail goods.  Every site will be setup e-commerce ready.  Every time a customer buys from your shop, you'll earn a commission on the sale.  If they don't buy anything, you'll still earn a commission because of the page view.  There will also be a MMT-music shop on your site as a Pro-member, and each time a customer buys (or downloads) a CD, you'll earn a commission!