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Four Kornners
Wednesday, 24 May 2006
Yes we are always looking for new members!
Topic: Members
Just send an in game tell to RTMO, Kov, or Gannondwarf! We are looking for all classes, races, and just fun, mature, and active toons. Hope to have you join soon!

Posted by planet/fourkornners at 4:23 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 May 2006 4:33 PM EDT
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Four Kornners Frist Guild Meeting
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Meeting #1
Topics of the meeting were:
-How the rank point system works
-What public notes are used for
-20 days then kicked
-Rank updates
-Guild Runs
-Hide and Seek
-Door prizes for the ones who showed up

How the Rank Point system works!

River- 0-100
Water- 100-250
Volcano- 250-700
Fire- 700-1500
Tornado- 1500-3000
Air- 3000-10000
Mountain- 10000
Earth- Kov and Gannondwarf
Spirit- RTMO

To get the points there are a few ways to do this!
Show up for meetings, participate in guild events, such as the hide and seek(until event is done), instance runs(if they are in your level), helping other guild members (points can be given if spirit or earth find), points will not be given by donations to the guild back YOU CAN NOT BUY A RANK!

20 Days then kicked!
If a toon is not logged on with in a 20 day time frame, then the toon will be removed from the guild and a note sent to their mail as to why. If you can not be on with in a 20 day period then let rtmo, kov, or gannondwarf know and it will be noted so you will not be kicked.

Rank and Points are updated every Monday! Rewards are only done at meetings!

Instances are done every Monday!
There will be instance runs that are escorted by higher level toons for the lower levels. Also one done for higher level toons that may not be escorted depending on the level of toons on at the time.

There was a Hide and Seek game at the meeting!
There was a game held at the meeting for all who showed up! Prize was 10 gold but went down by 2 Gold every time a hint was given. All who played till the game was over got 1 point for playing the winner got the gold and 2 points for playing.

Door Prizes!
There was two 14 slot bags given for the prizes. The people who showed got to roll for the bags. Highest and lowest roll got the bags.

This was the frist meeting that we have had thanks to all who showed up and showed team spirit. Thanks to those who sent mail to say they could not show up. yes just by sending mail you can get for letting the guild leaders no why! There will be another meeting on June 12th, 2006 time will be posted on the guild message of the day!

Posted by planet/fourkornners at 4:12 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 May 2006 4:10 PM EDT
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