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Forced To Speak
Friday, 12 May 2006
Prove This
Mood:  irritated
Shame on us! Shame on all of us who dare to have an opinion. Even more, shame on us for voicing these opinions. The shame grows deeper when we resort to insults and name calling when vocalizing these opinions.

I’ve often wondered where we have dumped, or stranded, our manners. There is no longer any reason to think we, as a people, believe in or even know the meaning of common courtesy. What am I saying? Courtesy is no longer common. It has gone to the same place as common sense.

Shame on me because I no longer want to know, nor do I care, what your opinion is. You lost me when you called me ignorant. While I may well be ignorant of your way of thinking, that fact does not give you any more rights than I have. Does the fact that I know more about the First Amendment then The Simpsons make me any less a person? Apparently, it does. My education is lacking. I read the article and studies in the news. This information doesn’t say much good about the mentality of the American public, does it?

I am uneducated. I don’t buy into every news blurp I read or hear. I am uneducated because I do not waste my time trying to prove a useless point. A point which I don’t give two hoots and a hollar about to start with. Therefore, not only am I ignorant, I’m uneducated.

You know something? I don’t care. Does that make me an ignorant, uneducated, red-neck? According to some studies released this week, I am. What is so bad about being a red-neck? If minding my own business, handling my own problems while telling you to nose out, makes me a red-neck, then so be it. I’m not standing on a soapbox ranting and raving about what is going wrong in the world and yelling at everyone. If what is wrong in the world is my fault, then get out of my way and let me fix it. If your ideas are any better than mine, why don’t you shut up and fix the problems? Just stop yammering at me before my neck gets redder.

My political leanings are none of your business. While you are calling me a liberal or a conservative, please be courteous enough to define these two words. My uneducation is such that I don’t have a clue anymore to the meaning of these words in today’s terminology. One thing I do know, they are used as insults. Why is that?

I’ve stood on my own two hind legs and admitted I’m an ignorant, uneducated, red-neck. I forgot to add there is a more than distinct possibility that I’m narrow-minded.

Posted by planet/forcedtospeak at 6:31 PM CDT
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