Cyber Exploring

Welcome to "Cyber Exploring", Aura's first premade layout for This layout took over 7 hours to code and design o.O . I know...I'm slow in doing these kind of stuff. This layout turned out pretty good. The header image is colourful and the layout's very organized. I overlaid the image with several layers of random colour, added some stars and made the bars on the content/nav boxes. I also did some effects on the image so it would look "cyber". The image was edited in Paint Shop Pro 7.0 and sliced in Photoshop. I love my PSP xP

Terms of Usage

  1. Do not remove my credit/link in the copyrights section. All graphics/designs offered at are link wares. Therefore, in order for you to use them, you must link back to
  2. You may not edit the layout design in any way. This includes the background, the navigation and the header images.
  3. You may however edit the layout codes. (How else can you put your site up??)
  4. You may not claim, steal, or redistribute this layout in anyway!
  5. Aquilaray graphics/designs are strictly for personal use only. You may not redistribute my works for commercial  purposes.
  6. You may not imitate, mirror, or duplicate this layout in any way. This includes html codes and css style sheet too.


  1. Download the file and unzip it. Be sure not to modify any file names.
  2. Upload everything in the layout package to your own server (directory).
  3. Open the index page and edit your navigation and content. Do not remove my credit in the copyrights section!

Do not alter the original html codes or the css style sheet unless you know what you are doing. If you are having trouble, email me at or leave a comment on


Bold - text here
Link Effect - text here
Input Areas -


Some extras for this layout. For the buttons, simply open them in any paint program and add your site name.

88x31 buttons:

100x100 avatar:


Image from Otaku Wallpapers
Layout by Aura of


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Layout © Aura of
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