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Entry #7 – At Bree




    Last night was a very busy night. We first reached Bree, and Sam, Pippin and I had a few drinks. Of course Sam had to have a few too many, and he started telling the crowd about Bilbo’s Birthday and almost told everyone about the ring. Lucky enough I heard him before he could say anything, and I got on the table and started singing. The only problem is I fell off the table and put on the ring, and that really got them talking.

   We also met Strider, he followed us back to our room. He knew about our journey already, and told us a lot about the black Riders. He told us we shouldn’t stay at the inn, and so we slept in the parlor and Strider kept watch. Back at my house at the same time three black riders broke into my house and found it empty. A while later Strider woke us up and showed us our rooms. They were torn apart, everything was a mess, and our ponies were let loose. We also got a letter last night from Gandalf telling us we should of left two months before we actually did.


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