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Fat Teen

At the moment my resalution for the year 06 is to get fatter, but my family disgrees with this sort of thinking, so ive made this site for people especially guys in the UK to, e-mail me there problems with wanting to be fat and if they have any ideas of their own. Ive also made this site for chubby teenage boys like myself to share photos, and to share the joy of fat. If you do have any images or ideas to send me, e-mail me at Also please reply to me any thoughts on what i should add to the site. My name is Steven and im 15 (yr 06) I live in england somewhere near london, and im gay-mostly (and single)I enjoy eating and lazing around doing nothing, I want to be fat when im older but not so fat i cant move or look after my self. (if any one shares similar ideas with me email them) The only problems with being fat is the strech marks and the risk of dying a few years earlier, only if you eat the wrong food though thing like saturated fats cause death to come early. If i get a boy friend who wants to be fatter, i'd try to get fatter with him. I hate people who make fun of fat guys because if they were fat they would not want people to make fun of them. I also hate people who make fun of gay guys cause thats just not fair people cant help how they feel. Dont you think their should be more punishment for people like that, who just bulley all the time. Any way this site promotes teen gaining (getting fat) adults are welcome but not as prefered and please dont hide your age, This is a stroy i read which has realy made me think about growing fatter;It all started about 4 years ago in the 4th grade. Dave had just started 4th grade. It was the first day back to school and he was pretty excited. There were a whole bunch of new people outside on the schoolyard and Dave new that he was going to make some fabulous new friends. The bell rang and all the children went inside and found out who their new teachers were. Dave was put into a class with a whole bunch of his old friends, but he got put next to a new boy who's name was Curt. Curt was rather on the chubby side, especially for his age, but he had no intentions for hiding all his flab, and Dave admired him for that. As time went on, Dave and Curt became very close friends, and starting doing a lot of things together. They often went down to the mini mall and had a milkshake with some of the other kids from school, or went and got a movie and picked up some junk food to take home. After hanging out with Curt for a few months, Dave began to notice that he had put on some weight, but it didn't bother him, because he admired Curt for not being embarrassed about his weight, so Dave decided there was no need to be embarrassed as well. Curt had put on a lot of weight as well, and was no longer just chubby, he was FAT. Our teacher left to go on maternity leave, so we were left with a new teacher, who was very athletic, and often did a lot to try and encourage health in his class. He had started weighing kids and measuring their height. Dave was first. Before school had started, Dave had only weighed 63 pounds. Now he weighed in at 85. (Keep in mind these are only fourth graders) Curt at first weighed in at 90. Now, he weighed 106, and was the fattest kid in the school! After school that day, the boys went home and discussed their new weight. Curt took of his shirt to take a look. The soft layers of fat drooped over his pants and sat gently on his lap. Curt began to touch it, squish it, and have fun with it. He loved it! He told Dave that he liked this new fat, and that he wanted more. Dave wasn't sure what to think. He felt kind of strange now in front of Curt. Almost like he was scared. Dave went home after that and took some long time out to think. Dave took a dive into his swimming pool when we got home, and then he realized he was fat too. He looked over his body for a long time, and realized Curt was right. This fat stuff was awesome! Dave wanted more. After a big supper that day, Dave went back over to Curt's house, and told Curt how much he loved the fat. Curt was shocked at the sound of this. His mom was leaving the house for a few hours with his Dad. Curt new where his mom hid the treats. It was time for a binge. Curt pulled out tons of food. Donuts, cookies, brownies, and much more. They made milkshakes and cooked frozen pizza, and they ate, and ate and ate. They did this once a week, every week. IT became a routine. The best part about it was that their parents never seemed to bother them about the weight, and didn't mind that the boys were getting fatter by the week. The boys continued this for many years and had great success. By now it was the eighth grade, and both had put on a great deal of weight. Curt had grown to be 307 pounds, and Dave also had great success weighing in at 273. Both of the boys continued to get fatter over the years, and as they did, their friendship grew stronger and stronger. The end. Do you want ot join my guest book
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So if any one feels the same way i do about fat or if you just want to chat e-mail me on and we can discuss trade pics and enjoy fat or just talking i dont care if you want to be abusive

My Favorite things about being fat

My Favorite Web Sites

another site by me same sort of stuff
pics of my belly
cool pics