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Farnacium's Free

A Free Person's Reference Guide
And some Advice
by Shadowglade of Farnacium

Tal, and welcome to Gor! You might hear such a thing said to you should you enter a Gorean theme chat, be it a role play chat, or a social chat with a Gorean theme. But what does that mean exactly. Tal!? Sounds like some weird kind of exclamation right?

Tal is a greeting, it means hello. It's one of the many words the creator of Gor decided upon as a "Gorean" language.

Let me begin by explaining, for those of you who do not know, what a Gorean theme chat is, so that there is no question. Keep in mind also, that what you're reading are my own words, thoughts, and ideas concerning these subjects, and are in no way to be considered "uniform" to any Gorean chat elsewhere. For the most part, the rules, and protocols listed here are my own. They may not apply elsewhere, but they most definately WILL apply in my own home of Farnacium at

What is Gor?

Good question! Back in the mid 1960's a man named John Lainge decided he wished to write a story that would, I presume, put forth his own personal philosophical beliefs in a non-threatening way. And Gor was born. The first novel, "Tarnsman of Gor" was written and released under the pseudonym "John Norman". It was a tale about a man named Tarl Cabot, born in England, a professor, who is brought via space-craft to a strange planet named Gor, also referred to in the book as "Counter-Earth". It is so called because it is a smaller spheroid that lies in our own solar system, that lies in the same orbit as our own planet earth, but is, through mechanisms unknown, kept constantly on the opposite side of the sun, or the "Central Fire" as it's known as on Gor.

That was the quick answer. The more in depth answer could take years to fully explain, or...if you'd rather just skip the lecture, perhaps go out into the great wide world, and find the books (there are 26) and read them all. The fictional world of Gor is varied, and intricate. John Norman, being a professor of philosophy and anthropology (I believe) was very clear about setting up a culture that was very well fleshed out. In fact, oft-times in the books he explains such detail to the culture that it can read more like a textbook than a novel in my opinion.

Enough though! You want to know what Gor is, so let me do my best to explain the basics, so that if you are new, and inexperienced, you can at least SEEM to know enough of what's going on not to stand too far out, and feel uncomfortable. On the planet Gor, there are various peoples who, it seems, have over the centuries been transplanted from earth, onto the face of the planet Gor. Since then they have developed on their own growing from common ground to their counterparts on Earth, into something wholly unique. For instance, on Gor you will find cultures that might have once been common on the continents of Europe, North America, the Arctic, Africa, and the Middle East. I will try as best I can, again stating these are my own observations, and so, may be incorrect, as to the various peoples on Gor, and their Earthen counterparts, so that those of you who are new, and unfamiliar can draw from what knowledge you have of Earth's cultures, to relate to the Gorean culltures you might come into contact with.

First, however, I will begin by outlining some things that will be true of Gor no matter what part of it you find yourself on. The below information might be very helpful to you in deciding your own place on this fictional world.

The Castes

On Gor, most of the planet is broken into a caste system that is reminiscent of the caste system still mostly in use today in India on earth. On Gor, like in India, one's caste isn't what one does, it's what one IS. However, unlike in India, on Gor one can change castes if one applies to, and is accepted by the leaders of that Caste in their own given area. It should be noted that the "lower castes" are so varied, and numerous that virtually any "job" or "career" one can think of could in fact be it's own caste. An example of this would be the "Wood Carriers" of Gor, a small caste, usually peopled by peasants, or other "regular joe's". Their job, that of their caste, of course, is as laborers, carrying wood, lumber, or any other sort of wood. They carry wood. See how simple that is? The "high castes" of course, are different. These comprise the "ruling class" most often in most of the city-states that are scattered all over the planet, and seas. So I will begin by listing the "high castes" in their order of cultural and political power, in their own hiararchy so to speak, and list a few of the more noteable "low castes" futher on.

The High Castes

Initiates: The Caste of Initiates, is, for lack of any better term, the caste of priests, and clergy. The Initiates are a cult of worshipers, who worship the mysterious "Priest Kings" of Gor....a virtually unknown force, who are, in fact the Masters of everything on Gor. The Priest Kings should be explained here, and so I will attempt to be brief, and concise. The Priest Kings are an alien species...they resemble gigantic bipedal ants, they live in seclusion deep within the Sardar mountains, they are technologically advanced, far beyond anything mankind has ever concieved on earth, and from their deep underground nests, they subtly control the planet Gor in various ways, mostly unbeknownst to the human inhabitants they have populated the planet with. They are never seen, rarely directly communicated with, and for the most part, don't seem to have any interest in the goings on. This of course is not exactly true, but I will get into that later. (See: Blue Flame Death, and On Technology).

Suffice to say the Initiates claim to be in communication with the Priest Kings, worship them, and for that reason the rest of the population gives the Initiates what they want when they want it out of fear of the Priest Kings' wrath.

They have their own rules. One is, those of the Caste of Inititates must remain celibate. They are not allowed Free Companions, nor ownership of, nor use of slaves. Two: Initiates are always male. Women are not allowed within the caste. Three: Initiates can usually be identified by their bald heads...they shave their heads as a rule, and their caste color is white.

Scribes: The caste of scribes are the librarians, writers, documentarians, attorneys, linguists, academics, teachers, and accountants of Gor. They are the masters of the written word, the legal wizards, and accountants. They keep the records, they define how language is used on Gor. Their caste color is blue.

Builders: The caste of builders are the engineers, designers, architects, craftsman, and scientists of Gor. If it needs to be designed, call a builder, if it needs to be built, call a builder, if it's broken, and needs to be get the idea. The Builders of Gor are incredibly advanced, the technology they are able to create could stagger the imagination, were it not for the Priest Kings' strict control of technology on Gor, it's possible that Gor would be much more highly advanced technologically than Earth. Their caste color is yellow.

Physicians: The caste of physicians are the doctors, healers, apothacaries, nurses, dentists, and health care workers of Gor. These are the men and women who see to the good health of everyone on Gor, and are highly advanced. The caste of physicians has even cured the most terrible disease known to mankind. Age. On Gor, old age is called the "wasting disease" and a serum of stabilization has been developed and is administered to most everyone on Gor. People on Gor do not age as quickly if at all, as those on Earth, and it is common practice for free people upon reaching adulthood to be given the serums to ensure long life. Slaves are also sometimes given the serums so that they may remain young and healthy for decades to come, and serve, and be pleasing to their owners. Their Caste color is green.

Warriors: These are the soldiers, fighters, and military of Gor. The caste of Warriors is the lowest of the five "high castes" and have a strict code of honor that they must follow. Their codes have never been fully explained in the books, but several of their codes have been. Below are a few of the quotes with the books and pages listed:

97th Aphorism: What is invisible but more beautiful than diamonds? What is silent but deafens thunder? What depresses no scale but is weightier than gold? HONOR!
pg.304-305, Vagabonds of Gor

Be strong and do as you will . The swords of others will set you your limits.
pg. 9, Tribesmen of Gor pg.10, Marauders of Gor

Within the circle of each mans sword, therein lies an Ubar.
pg. 9, Tribesmen of Gor

The Caste color for the Caste of Warriors is scarlet, or red.

So there you have the five "high castes" of Gor. I will now breifly explain the ideas of "First Knowledge" and "Second Knowledge" so that you understand yet another aspect of Gorean culture, that you might find useful.

First Knowledge

First Knowledge is knowledge of the Priest Kings, and the higher sciences of astronomy, physiology, knowledge of Earth being a seperate planet, rather than another "land" and other such things. Those with "first knowledge" would likely know that the Priest Kings do generally pay attention to what goes on, even if only from their home in the Sardar, that they are not "gods" so much as very powerful beings. Another example of "first knowledge" would be the ability to read and write. Some members of "low castes" might also have some aspects of first knowledge, but for the most part only members of the high castes will possess it.

Second knowledge is knowledge that the "low castes" would possess. Folk beliefs, myths, legends, things of that nature. Second knowledge does not include the higher sciences. Members of the "low caste" might believe any number of wild fancies concerning "Earth", the Priest Kings, and other things. The second knowledge does not include literacy, nor knowledge of the cosmos. The "lower castes" for example, would not know a Kur if one was seen by them, and might instead call it a "monster" or "demon" of some sort. Any number of wild and fanciful tales might come from such an encounter (should the man or woman or child survive it).

The Low Castes

Below are listed a few of the more noteable low castes. As stated above, the lower castes are so numerous and varied that a complete listing of them would be impossible. Most of them are self explanetory so I won't go into what each one does, or involves, nor what their caste color is, unless it is known.

Caste of Merchants: Containing literally hundreds of sub-castes this group is a very large caste. Members of this caste deal with selling and trading of merchandise for a profit. For as many products as there are that are to be sold there are about that many sub castes.

Caste of Slavers: This caste deals with the buying and selling of human merchandise. It is a sub caste of the Merchants.

Caste of Moneylenders: This caste is composed of the bankers of Gor. The members of this caste are those who trade and speculate with money for profit. The only product they handle is money.

Caste of Winemakers: The professional production of most fruit based Gorean alcohol is under the auspices of this caste. Cast of Brewers: takes care of the production of the grain based alcohols.

Caste of Sailors: There are several dozen sub-castes in this group. Each sub caste has its own specialty. An example would be the Bargemen who steer river barges on the freshwater waterways of Gor.

Caste of Metalworkers: A sub caste of Artisans they are concerned with the production of most metal items made on Gor. Some of the sub castes under this one would include: Swordmakers, Armorers, and those that work with blacksmithing or farrier work repairing wagon wheels and shoeing Gorean draft and riding animals.

Caste of Assassins: The Caste of Assassins is seen MOSTLY in the City of Ar, and generally don't travel outside of that, unless hunting a mark. Often when an assassin is "on the job" they will display a mark, showing that they are on the hunt. Their caste color is black.

As stated above there are virtually any number of castes and subcastes that would exist upon Gor. If you have an idea for one that you'd like to try, check with me, and I'd be happy to advise you on it.

So those are the basics, folks, you can find a wealth of information on the internet concerning many different aspects of Gor, and Gorean philosophy, so I won't go too much into all that. I will probably speak on a few other issues, just to give you some different or at least MY perspective on Gor, and it's philosophies to help you perhaps get a better idea of Gor, and the role play you will be involved in if you choose to be.

On Government
On Gender Roles
On Technology & Tarns, & Tarnsman
Armor, and Brothers, and Homestones, oh my!
Some Last Words, (and rules)
