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The Polyester Legions

Is this a Farb I see before me?

Soldiers under the banner of the Polyester Legion are your typical, garden-variety Farb. They saw Gettysburg when it first came out, got Bit By The Bug, and haven't moved very far up the ladder since then. Why spend $180 for a CJ Daly fatigue blouse when Servant's Memories Past Historical Outfitters has blouse, trowsers, and a fetching little hat for $70? Why bother to learn the difference between Columbus, Atlanta and Richmond Depot (I, II, and III!) when one can get a gray sack coat with CSA buttons will cover all periods of the War sans problems? Richmond Depot or Georgia Relief trowsers? Civilian or Paige Lapham shoes? Frame belt and state leathers, or the famous English Gear? No decisions necessary! Just wear your sky-blues with Federal brogans and accoutrements and make sure to mention loudly how glad you were to take them off that no-good down-low bluebelly at Chancellorsville. Boy, you showed them not to mess with Bobby Lee that day! Weewahooey!

14 year old colonels, 70 year old privates, enough gold braid to give Midas a seizure and all the colors of the rainbow for piping and cuffs... just like they had in the Way-Backy Days.

Dead Animal Parts are an important step in beginning your Farb impression. Generally, anything that was once living and can be affixed to a hat is fair game. If you want that added bit of flavor, make sure you join the Bucktails, where you can wear one like this and savor your ability to yell "IT'S DOCUMENTED!" when hardcore jerks come by taking pictures.

In the cavalry camp at See-da Freak Cedar Creek, 2005. Note the infantry chevrons, Homestar Runner-style "ridiculous stripéd pants," the ostrich feather in the forage cap, and the Heavy Metal Hair. Judas Priest gives the good sergeant the Horns Of Metal! Rock on! \m/ \m/

Here we see the native habitat of the Farb. Burned wood sign, post for horse-tethering, stainless steel pots and what looks to be a mantle clock (liberated from some Sesech Mansion, no doubt) and I-swear-I-saw-it-inna-Movie oil lamps. Hey, if they'd'a had it....

Ever popular is the General Impression. This is great for those who don't actually belong to a unit, and can therefore make up their Very Own Authenticity Guidelines. For example, Custer may be pushing 50 years old in 1864, and what's anyone going to do about it? You're GENERAL CUSTER! Being flanked by Grant, Sheridan, and General Geniality doesn't hurt at all, either.

Generals get all the ladies, too.

They also become prime targets for Sporking.

Then again, it's not just the Generals who can make up their own rules.

Seriously, just go nuts. It's not like the public is gonna know the difference...

...though some of your peers might.

How To Spot a Farb #1: Location, location, location.

#2: Color, color, color.

#3: A trail of dead hardcores litters your path.
