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The guide
Thursday, 18 May 2006

Space is the infinite extension of the three-dimensional region in which all matter exists.

In the beginning there was everything. This everything may not have been scattered about as it is today, but it or the physical elements which build it up have always existed. They will continue to exist for ever. All of this exists with in three dimensions. Everything is capable of moving around in dimensions one, two and three, those are space.

Matter is something that occupies space and can be perceived by one or more senses; a physical body, a physical substance, or the universe as a whole.

Matter fills this space, or at least is scattered about it. This matter reacts amongst it self through out time and causes events. These events can be something as important as the creation of light, amazing as the birth of a child, or simply unimportant such as dust collecting on the back of a desk. Everything known and unknown that takes place is an event. These events are the cause of the complexity and the soul existence of every thing that exists.

Time is a non spatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.

There is no proof that anything started or that anything will ever stop, and it seems logical enough to gather that everything as we know it existed forever and shall continue to do so. There are no boundaries surrounding space, it is agreed upon that space continues in every direction and doesn’t stop. These three dimensions and all with in them are constantly moving in a forwards direction in dimension four. This dimension is time. Time is a dimension just as the first three lengths, width and height. Time has no beginning and time has no end.

To exist is to have actual being; be real.

So humans clearly being matter take up space and move forward in time causing events, as does everything else. These three factors prove our and everything else’s existence. There are no higher powers, gods do not have actual being and power is a relative term coined by a carbon based life form that still can’t sit under water with out help for a solid ten minutes.

Power is the ability or capacity to perform or act effectively.

Everything takes up a proportionate bit of the first, second and third dimensions, and we all move together in the same direction at the same rate in the fourth. Every thing that exists has a being; therefore everything that exists has the same capabilities. The largest star, the most beautiful woman and the most boring and unappealing speck of dust all compass the same amount of power and are all capable of causing events to take place within space and throughout time. Nothing is more important than anything else. There is a divine equality.

Probability is the quality or condition of being likely but uncertain; plausible.

Matter must act amongst matter to cause an event. Probability causes matter to act amongst matter. All matter contains an infinite amount of potential which over its course through time may cause events of vast importance or simply be stepped over on a side walk. The significance of an event is based on perspective. There for it can not be determined nor can be measured. It would be like trying to measure the distance from your house to the chemists with no measuring device and no actual measurement system. Even if you figured out what to call the space between the two places it would vary from every one else because they don’t all live in the same house as you, might not use the same measurement system, or most likely go to a different chemist all together.

Perspective is the relationship of aspects of a subject to each other and to a whole.

Every ones perspective is different and none are completely right, because no one knows what the “whole” is, all any one knows it the “other” bits. This can be expressed as looking at a picture but only seeing a very little bit and having no clue of what the entire picture may be. Every one is scattered over this painting, positioned by probability, and they only get to see and know the bits the stumble across. Some one on the bottom left corner may see a bit of green and decide the paintings of some nature scene, while some one somewhere else may see nothing but pale and decide that the paintings of some lovely castle. They are probably both wrong because they don’t know much more than the smallest portion, and I was describing the Mona Lisa.

Posted by planet/everywhere at 10:30 PM HDT
Updated: Thursday, 18 May 2006 11:10 PM HDT
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