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Hello I’m Evelyn Burke,
         I came into the field of Design work quite naturally. You see for the past twenty years I have had the pleasure of wearing a varied and diverse set of hats. I started a business in “85” doing Videography work. I became a mother later in “85” and again in “86”, while still continuing to do all kinds of post-production work as well as Videography. During this time I also taught sewing and Art in a Christian School for a year and a half. During that year and a half I continued to run my little business, doing work for a wide range of people and corporations and dabbling every once and a while in the creative field of either art or video. I designed T-shirts for a while, made soft sculptured dolls, and other types of dolls. I created videos for my church, for local access and for my children’s career day at school and my children’s science fairs. In “97” I decided to go back to school to get my Assoc. Degree in Mass Communication, doing a class at a time. In 2000 my children were older and I got a job in the Cable Industry as an Access Coordinator. My own business suddenly slowed down and in 2005 I decided to finish my degree efforts by returning full time online to school. In 2006 I graduated with my Assoc. of Arts in Business Administration and in 2007 I graduated with my Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Communication with Concentration in Digital Design. I have always been designing and creating art. Now I have my degree in it. My designs work, my clients like my work and many come back to me when they have a new project.
               I love what I do. Let me show you what I can do for you.
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