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Entering the Shadowlands
Saturday, 23 September 2006
Sweet Dreams
Mood:  cheeky
I picked up a new book about a week ago. It wasn't unintentional, actually it came by a rather random (heehee) set of occurances. I had gone to a friends house and saw it sitting on his bookshelf. I opened it and not only was the first page about my ever co0msuming Count Saint Germain, but it implied a deeper connection than I had ever previously seem. Unfortuanately the book was out of my budget. So a few days later, on a whim, I bought a scratcher, it ended up being worth exactly the amount I needed to buy the book and put gas in my car. Thus the book is on my bedside, and has kept my up late at night. Should I have been writing in journal, my blog, otherwise, probably, but as I do.. I become consumed. Thus this quick note to let you know I will be writing more soon.

Posted by planet/etherian_scryer at 2:54 PM
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Monday, 4 September 2006
Entering into the Shadowlands
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: She Wants Revenge
I do not wander through the astral realms, I've gone to far, sought to diligently, focused with my complete essense. No, I do no wander, I am a seeker, probing the depths and returning to face the consquences of all I've endured. Am I sounding melodramatic? I wish I could find a better way to describe my journey, it hasn't been pretty or sweet. It's been a struggle and a torment since the beginning.

So what of the beginning? You may ask. I can't say that it began with a re-birth or an initiation. I've gone through enough of those and come out changed often enough by them, but my true beginnings are no so simple to describe. You might say, it began when i found myself consumed with a need to know of certain figures, primary in the quest of the seeking of the Count Saint Germain. The Comte Saint Germain filled my dreams, I would wake up in a sweat, needed to know the streets he'd walked upon, the path he'd travelled. I wished to know him.

Later, during a time of abundance, I DID walk the path, I followed his route all through Europe into Bohemia. I studied with Masters and Adepts, I went to ancient sites, I wandered catacombs, cemetaries, castles, seeking.. ever seeking. What did I find? I discovered that many of the places were eerily familiar, I had walked these streets, I had known these tombs, I was balancing between worlds and times, and returning from my journey I had visions and determinations of where my spirit had once been and to where my spirit must go forth.

So I write to you now, knowing that I can no longer remain alone in my seeking. I am no longer a child of the Quest, I am an Adventurer and an aAchemist. I know how to heal and harm, I know what I have done, and seen. I cannot remain quiet and let my knowledge be cloistered away on some random bookshelves. I had to go further. My quest demands that I go further.



Posted by planet/etherian_scryer at 5:38 PM
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