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Erin Hatton's Blog
Thursday, 21 December 2006
Twins Update
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Life
I am still alive -- barely. I feel like I've hit a brick wall energy-wise. It's been really hard to let go of all the things I feel like I should be doing. It's extremely hard to write -- it's as if there's this fog coating my brain at all times. I know it will eventually get better, but man, am I tired! And I miss being inspired.

Posted by planet/erinhatton at 5:56 PM EST
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Wednesday, 25 October 2006
Mood:  happy
Topic: Life
For those of you who don't believe in miracles ---

We are expecting our third child. Kind of a common place thing, I know. But consider the fact that we weren't supposed to be able to have children at all. Then consider that I've been really sick with this pregnancy, and had decided that even though we wanted four children, I could only stomach having three. It was a difficult decision, and one I wrestled with, but after a lot of thought and prayer, I gave that fourth child to God. Well, He decided to give it back. We went for our first ultrasound, and lo and behold, it's twins. So we get our four children where once we feared we wouldn't have any. Our house is full of blessings and miracles -- no one will ever tell me that miracles don't happen!

Posted by planet/erinhatton at 12:08 PM EDT
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Friday, 1 September 2006

Topic: Life
Well, I've not been around for a while for a very good reason. Bleuch. Morning sickness. Or rather, all day sickness. Thank goodness for Diclectin. So, yes, I'm having a third. Call me a glutton for punishment if you wish, but I love my children!

Writing has been a little slow, but I've generated quite a number of stories that I hope to share with you in the near future.

Posted by planet/erinhatton at 10:52 AM EDT
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Thursday, 11 May 2006
The Furnace
Topic: Life
I've been learning a lot lately about trials -- two bible studies, my great-great-great-great grandfather's journal and my great-great-great aunt's bible notes that I've been reading -- it all seems to point to this: pain is something to learn from, not to run from. If life was supposed to be hunky-dory, maybe it would be. And if I had chosen to run away from pain and trials in my life, I would have missed out on some important lessons. So I stick to it, every day, and thank God for the things He's teaching me. And I'll be a better person for it -- maybe not "happy" in this life, but content.

Posted by planet/erinhatton at 12:03 PM EDT
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