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End Of All Hope



Please bear with me as I explore visual webpage programs that convert to HTML while I, slowly at best, learn the code.  Oh, and PLEASE excuse the ads and popups, unless you would like to donate to my learning experience. = D  Other than that, enjoy!

We now have TWO(2) Ventrilo servers now.  Ventrilo can be found here.  Be sure to grab the Client version and not the Server one.  Our personal Guild chat IP is:, the port number is 3500, and make sure not to input a password here.  Be sure to only go on the Guild Wars channel and the EoH channel in specific.  The password for the channel is hope.  The other server is for our Alliance.  Don't be afraid to chat it up with our alliance.  Their IP is:, the port number is 3791, and the password is happy.  Use the Group 1 or Group 2 channels only.

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS:  Start recruiting your friends and players you find worthy of our guild by notifying the Guild Leader or Officers of the potential recruit and they will invite them.  Notify Facet Of Serenity OR Facet of Vitality once they come online to receive your reward (details farther down).  ATTENTION ALL OFFICERS:   You will need to recruit at least one(1) player per week in order to maintain your Officer position.  If a current member notifies you of a recruit, please be mindful of them and shoot the recruit an invite. This does NOT count toward your one(1) player a week quota.  Notify Facet of Serenity OR Facet of Vitality for the recruiting reward.
ATTENTION EVERYONE: If you are solely responsible for the recruitment, or a member who notified an Officer to invite the player, the reward is 500 Gold.  This reward is doubled for every subsequent player recruited for up to one week starting every calandar week on Sunday.  If you're the Officer who recruited the player per a member's request, your reward is 200 Gold per invite.  There is no doubler for this reward.

-Facet Of Vitality


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