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Timeline of life
Upon the return of Odysseus when Penelope finally discovers that the beggar is her husband.
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 Timeline of Penelope's Life
She was married to Odysseus for 10 years before the Trojan War made Odysseus leave.
The Trojan War lasted for 10 years, during which she heard nothing of him.
Suitors came to her palace wishing to marry her.
She fooled them for several years saying she would marry someone when she had completed a shroud for Laertes, but had no intention of ever finishing. What she wove during the day, she unraveled by night.
Her maids ratted her out and then the suitors took over the palace and pleased themselves with whatever they wanted.
A distressed beggar came to the palace. No one but his old dog knew it was Odysseus.
She created a challenge for her suitors, giving them Odysseus' bow to bend. None of the suitors but one, the beggar, were able to do so. The beggar then shot down and killed all of the suitors with the bow.
Penelope had a feeling it was Odysseus because he was the only one who could string the bow.
The beggar then transformed into Odysseus.
She wasn't sure it was really him.
She told him that she had the maids rearrange the bed chamber, including the bed.
The man proved himself to be Odysseus by replying with the correct answer: the bed could not be moved, he had built it himself and it was anchored to the floor.
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Suitors eagerly trying to win the affections of Penelope, as she continues to delay them.
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Penelope had a total of 108 suitors in the two decades that Odysseus was away.
52 from Dulichium
24 from Same
20 from Zacynthos
12 from Ithaca
Some of the more well-know suitors:

Agelaus, Amphimedon, Amphinomus, Antinous, Ctesippus, Demoptolemus, Elatus, Euronymus, Euryades, Eurydamas, Eurymachus, Leocritus, Leodes, Peisander, and Polybus

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Penelope waiting for the return of Odysseus.
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Father: Icarius
Mother: Periboea
Siblings: Thoas, brother
Damasippus, brother
Imeusimus, brother
Aletes, brother
Perileos, brother
Iphthime, sister
Alyzeus, brother
Leucadius, brother
Mates: Odysseus, King of Ithaca
Hermes, God of the Shepards
Telegonus, youngest son of Odysseus and Circe
Antonius, son of Eupeithes
Children: Telemachus, with Odysseus
Poliporthes, with Odysseus (also known as son of Telemachus)
Acusilaus, with Odysseus (unconfirmed)
Pan, with Hermes
Italus, with Telegonus
Other: Helen of Troy was her first cousin

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Penelope and Iphthime
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Statue of Penelope at the Vatican, Rome
courtesy of
Created: 28 April 2007
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