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Enduring Twilight: Old World of Darkness

Werewolf 101

Lesson Six: Character History, and Submitting Everything for Approval

Now you've finished the 'stats' on the character, it's time to write up the character's history (you might want to do this part on the computer, rather than on paper). It doesn't have to be terribly long or Pulitzer Prize winning material - it just has to let the Storytellers know more about your character, so they can figure out how to fit you into stories, or steer you away from anything that won't work in this game. If you want an idea of what might go into the character history, here's a few sample questions that can get you started and help you hit all the important parts.

1. How old are you?
2. What was your family life like?
3. When did you have your First Change?
4. If you have a pack, how did you meet your packmates?
5  Where do you live now?
6. Do you continue to live a normal life?
7. What motivates you?
8. Please include a description of your First Change in your background.

Once you've finished the character history, take a look at the sheet - if you have any Abilities or Backgrounds over 3, it's very handy if you include a note on the sheet as to why your character has them, and how they earned them. Point form is fine, but if you can work the explanation into the history, that's always nice too. In particular if you have Pure Breed, you should work with a Storyteller to figure out who the Ancestor was that you look so much like, and what they did to be notable, then add it to the sheet.

I can hear you asking, "Now what?" How do you get the sheet you've just finished to the Storytellers? Well, here's where you get to write it out again. There's a txt format sheet available that you can download - all you have to do is copy over what you wrote out on the sheet into the appropriate spots on the text file. You can copy the 'dots' over either as dots or numbers - myself, I like to use lower-case "o", but the important thing is its in text format. Once you have that done, email it in to and the Storytellers will take it from there.

Why did I have you do it on paper if you were going to have to type it out on the computer anyways? Because I firmly believe that it's much easier to just have the sheet in front of you the first time or two, rather than having to flip back and forth between text file and the webpage, and its harder to mess up the dot spread if you have the paper in front of you.