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Stan' Story

Stan is 10!
October 8th '07 My 10th birthday & chemo day..PINK bandage

"October 8th is now my PROPER birthday as it was the day Mum picked me up from the dog pound. Mum found me (or I found her) when I was wandering on the streets near her on 28th Sept and that's when I kipped overnight at her house. The next day Mum walked me (off lead, off collar) around the neighbour hood but I just followed Mum and she decided I was a stray. I was also a bit skinny and covered in scars.

Then the following morning on 29th Sept 2001, Mum took 2 pics of me in her lounge then I was taken off to the dog pound where I stayed and picked up kennel cough as well! Mum kept phoning to see if my owners had been found but I wasn't chipped and no one wanted me. Mum wasn't sure she wanted me then :( as she grew up with alsatians and didn't know about my sort. She thought staffy bull terriers weren't very smart, wouldn't want to play and just sat around looking chunky....I showed her!

The dogs in the other kennels were very scarey and kept barking at me cos I was the new I would bark back but then the kennel chap told Mum I was aggressive and when Mum rang to check on me 2 days before I left the pound, the kennel chap was putting off Mum from taking me! He said was Mum's house secure cos I would go straight through a wooden door (duh....I reckon I could only do that if the door was open), he said I'd have to be muzzled at all times, not allowed to be off the lead and said I was aggressive! I think there was a possibility that I was going to be put to sleep:(

Mum decided to come and see me again at the pound as she couldn't believe I would be so naughty as I was well behaved when I stayed with her that first night. They took me out of my kennel and put me in a harness. Mum wanted to see how I would react to other dogs to see if I was as big a trouble maker as I was made out. In fact, Mum was too scared to hold onto me in the presence of another dog in case I would go for it as the kennel chap had told Mum on the phone.

So I was all harnessed up and held by one of the strong kennel guards and they brought out a lurcher quite close to me. The kennel guard was expecting me to bite or have a go at the lurcher, but all I wanted to do was to eat a bit of the grass. That's when Mum said she'd have me.

Then she had to go home without me because I had to be checked out by the Vet after the weekend to make sure I was fit to go home as I was still a bit snotty from the kennel cough...but I was.

So...on 8th October 2001, Mum came to pick me up and I sat in the footwell of the passenger seat with a runny nose, bleeding at times (as I was sneezing a lot and when I came out of the kennels I did a huge sneeze and hit my nose on the concrete floor and it started bleeding) and that's when I went home. At that stage, I didn't have a name..but Mum and her boyfriend at the time decided I looked like a STan so Stan I was called.

So I always have 2 on the 29/9/2001 which was when I was found and the 8/10/01 which is my proper birthday.The vets at the time said I was about 4 at the time so that's why "officially" my birthday is 8/10/97

So there you go ...that's my story."

My 2 new birthday toys I think this should be MY bed!!

Stan, Christmas 2007

Stan, taken in July 2007

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