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Endlesslove Angels

In Loving Memory of


Eileen 's wonderful 11 yr old Samoyed

Died March 5th 2007

dx hemangiosarcoma Aug. '05

This happy post from Eileen, Fri, 04 Aug 2006

"I am so happy to celebrate this one year of survival for Snow. It was one year ago today she had her spleen removed and the diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma. As you know she was only given 2 to 4 months. We did not opt for chemo but she has been enjoying a great life. If you remember I kept hoping she made it to Christmas and then to the next Snow fall and then to her 11th birthday."


Snow had her spleen removed 8/4/2005 with a very grim prognosis (2 - 4 mos).I was told that very rarely would a dog with this diagnosis live a year. I consulted with a holistic vet, Dr Dym (who is also a conventional vet) and he put her on the following program: NO COMMERCIAL DOG FOOD with the exception of EVO. SHe gets 1/2 cup dry EVO and a half chicken breast twice a day. I sometimes add a little canned EVO. She also takes 1 tsp of Cod Liver Oil from Nordic Naturals, Cartilade Shark cartilage 1/4 tsp, 1 capsule Mitomax probiotic twice a day, 1 capsule Transfer Factor, 1 capsule Ambertose (a glyconutrient), 100 mg Grapeseed extract, Also a Bach Flower potion of Gentian, Walnut, Crab Apple, and Resue Remedy. I mix 10 drops of each in to a one oz dropper bottle than fill with spring water, and shake. She gets 5-6 drops a day. No immunizations, Frontline or Heartgard. She does not have any contact with other animals except my other two dogs. I take it day by day as I know things can turn very quickly.

Snow, Sleet and Ice


Snow and Sleet at play
Snow and Sleet at play

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