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Endlesslove Gallery


August 14th 2006, aged 13 yrs

Wendy's beautiful Husky dx with intestinal lymphoma, Jan.'05

"...we helped my beautiful Kima to the bridge at 2:45 today. My wonderful vet came to the house and she went to sleep in my lap with my husband holding us. As painful as it was for me, I know I did the right thing and that she is now at peace. Over the last 5 days she had stopped eating her food, she could only stand with assitance, her panting had increased, she was drinking a ton, and moving around and even laying down were exhausting. This is not how I wanted my girl to live her life. We looked at our options, and none of them gave her any better quality of life. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but she deserved to go with peace and dignity.

For 13 years she gave us joy, she deserved no less.

Godspeed my sweet Kima. Your mommy loves you forever."



Kima with my girl, Julia

{short description of image}
Kima with my boy, Jason

Wendy and Kima

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