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In Loving Memory of


Lori's beloved girl

Died October 16th 2007 aged 19 1/2 yrs

dx cancer September 25th '07

I have been far more active on the Feline Cancer list here on Yahoo, but as I have posted here as well, I wanted to give my final update. My Chrissie, who was 19 and a half wonderful years old, lost her battle with cancer today. She was diagnosed on 9/25, and her final illness was the ONLY illness she was to have during a very long, healthy and adventurous life. The cancer took her relatively quickly, which while shocking for me, was a blessing for her as she did not have to suffer through a drawn-out ordeal or lose her dignity. She never lost control of her bodily functions and as a matter of fact, when I left her to go to work this morning, she was eating on her own and looking better than she had in awhile.

When I came home from work, I found her laying peacefully on her side. I knew the second I saw her she was gone, but I am able to take comfort in the fact that she did not appear to suffer (and the vet did not think so either, when I took her body there for its final disposition - he thinks she probably had a heart attack and went very quickly).

Chrissie gave me two final gifts before she left this world. She stayed with me on my birthday which was this past Friday, October 19. And she passed away peacefully, when it was truly her time, on her own, sparing me the heartbreaking decision of when to euthanize.

Thank you so much for being here for us. Your love and support helped a great deal. I wish you all the best of luck with your beloved companions.

Lori, Poopy (cat), and Angel Chrissie

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