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Pets with Cancer {Endlesslove} Group Angels

In Loving Memory of

Charlie aka Rokadade's Mako Charlie Jered

July 1987 to August 1995

Who died of Liver and Kidney Cancer
and was Vicki Roudinis' inspiration to start this support group

 Charlie aka Rokadade's Mako Charlie Jered

Over the years my husband Joe has had many dobes, but Charlie was my first dobe.

A grandson of the great Ch Hotai Charlie, he spent his entire life being the best First Dobe I could ask for.

Charlie died of cancer in August 1995 at 8 years of age.

Charlie’s Veil

Charlie’s gone. It’s been more than a month now, and I’m doing better, but every once in a while, I begin thinking about Charlie and find myself behind a veil of tears. He was not my first pet. Actually, he’s part of a long, much loved line of pets. He was, however, my first dobe. He was also the first pet that I’ve ever lost to cancer. A cancer that I didn’t even know was there.

There was something special about Charlie. He made friends for himself and the breed wherever he went. I have four others (his niece, nephew, grand niece and nephew), but none of them have whatever it was that Charlie had. He was the only animal (actually only anything) brought into a local nursing home that would get a response from one of their residents. For him, she would light up.

Terri, who never knew him has come to like his breed, ironically through his death. She was visiting a friend who has one of Chach’s sons. Terri told me that when Penny hung up the phone after I told her about Chach, Red walked into the room. Penny said “your daddy’s dead”. Terri said his whole expression changed. His head dropped, he went into the living room, got on the couch, put his head on his paws and would not move. She said it was the most human response she had ever seen in a dog.

I was with Charlie when he died. It was while he was on the table that Paul discovered the cancer. There was nothing we could do. Paul could take the kidney, but with the other kidney, spleen and liver involved, he would live a very short, very painful life. I asked Paul to let him go. I was with him when he went. I am so thankful I had that time with him.

It seemed appropriate, that day as we took him home, that it was gray and raining. By the time we got home it had dried up and I laid him on the ground outside the house. One by one, I brought each of my other dogs out to see him. Oddly, Seth, who had to be kept separate from Charlie because he would attack Charlie, whimpered and nudged him a bit.

While we buried him, I had his nephew, RC, out with us. Rarely outside the fence, RC was running, rolling and playing - enjoying the unexpected freedom. And at times looking as if he were playing with another dog. Somehow, his overabundance of life seemed so fitting right then.

Later that day, there was a rainbow over the spot where we had laid him.

I believe he’s still with me. When the dogs howl (something he taught them to do and they NEVER did unless he started it) I hear his voice. Others have said that they can still hear him, too. Maybe he’s travelling to the Rainbow Bridge and back.

Many times when I think of him, it’s the good times I remember. And when I picture him, he’s still running and playing,
but sometimes, it’s behind a veil of tears.

Vicki Roudonis, September 1995

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