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PetswithCancer {Endlesslove} Angels

In Loving Memory of


May 20th 2003 to May 16th 2009

Ken's beloved girl

dx-ed Lymphoma February '08

Smokey my baby 5/20/03 5/16/09 Rest Sweetheart

Smokey passed away this evening while I was at work. I'm heartbroken I wasn't there, but when I walked in the house two of her sisters were sitting next to her and didn't greet the door when I came in. They didn't leave her side, so she wasn't alone. I pray she wasn't in pain. I know she knew I loved her. I only wish I was there. I hate this.


January 29th '09 - "My Smokey has lymphoma and we did the chemo thing last February, and she went into remission from her first treatment. Chemo lasted till July, with the help of a non profit called Canine Cancer Awareness. ........ Well, Smokey came out of remission last month, little knots behind her knees, armpits and the lymphnodes in her groin are getting more swollen........I'll keep you updated!


March 3rd '08 - "I wanted quickly tell everyone that my Smokey is in full remission. With all the loss and pain that we all go through here, I thought some good news would be welcome. I don't want to jinx it, but she's a strong fighter. So far no bad reactions to the chemo. Next Monday will be week 4 treatment."

Smokey as a puppy.

Here I am at my most natural. Looking for a belly rub from Dad.
When I do this I usually get what I want!

Here I am, mistress of all I see...well the living room at least!

For Ken and Mike's Ajax
lost to lung cancer on March 5th 2008

For more pics of the Family Versocki on PetswithCancer Photos

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