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PetswithCancer {Endlesslove} Angels

In Loving Memory of


March 1995 to December 30th 2012

dx-ed brain tumour March 2012

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Pip came to me as a feral kitten, you couldn't get near her then. I tried keeping her in the house but she just was so wild and even tried to escape up the chimney, I got scratched to pieces when I managed to get her down from the ledge she was stuck on about 4' up there!. I managed to get her out into the barn instead, put a litter tray up in the hay loft and a basket up there and fed her up there too. Didn't attempt to make friends but she used to watch carefully every morning when I milked the goats and then filled up her saucer with some of the milk! We had attained mutual respect here and I fitted in a cat flap into one of the windows so she could come and go as she pleased. She would even come into the kitchen once in a while to feed providing I stayed out of the way though she had also got quite friendly with my two dogs too (then my Sam and Sunny).

Then about a year later I went out very early one morning, alerted by the dogs, and heard crying! It was Pip lying under a bush near the kitchen door and in such pain, managed to gently get her over onto a piece of hardboard and get her into the vet! Her back leg was broken in three places. Our vet, David, operated and pinned her back together again and I brought her back that afternoon for intensive care! She lived in my bathroom for two weeks with a basket next to the heated towel rail, a litter tray next to the loo. She queened it with her plaster cast and all, the best food treats ever and attention from so many visitors!

When the cast came off and the stitches came out (two pins were removed but one has stayed there forever).she was no longer a wild cat but a house cat and has since ruled the roost, especially as she was by now my oldest animal here!

My vets thought she had been hit by a car but I thought this unlikely as the road is 1/4 ml below me and I had never seen her down there, most likely is she got kicked by one of my two ponies, most likely Andy as he was then very frisky, These two boys had come to live here recently back then and also very wild. Also now very tame!

So wee Pip has since loved and lived with all my dogs as a house cat, became the Matriarch and helped bring up both Pixie and Ida!

It was so good to see how much they cared for her over the last nine months. It was Pixie and Ida first alerted me when Pip had the seizures back in March and she was first diagnosed with most likely a brain tumour.

Pip and Pixie

RIP Sweet Pip, such a very brave fight tight through 'til your final day.

The house today is so very quiet without you and your "Squeak"

With much love,

Jean, Pixie, Ida, Sooty Cat and the Longlease Gang

Pip's story

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