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Endlesslove Angels

In Loving Memory of


April 16th 1999 to June 13th 2008

Rosemarie's beloved girl

dx tumour constricting her windpipe, June 5th '08

"She was born to Ginger and Sebastian on April 16, 1999 and was one of two babies. Her sister died shortly after birth so as you can imagine there was no way I was going to part with her. She went right from momma's milk to gumming kibbles - always eating, thus getting her name Harlee (Harley the hog after the motorcycle). She loved giving kisses and would rather be hugged on than to play with doggie toys. She loved her cookies and loved going anywhere in the car with me. I always said if I could have any one of my kids (doggies) talk, it would be Harlee 'cause I thought she would have the best conversations. It always seemed like she knew exactly what I was talking to her about - in any conversation. She always listened intensely and would then lick as if acknowledging my every word. She was loyal and we had that unconditional love her entire life."

Even at a young age Harlee loved the camera

Harlee at 5 years old

She taught the others to sit pretty for the camera

Ready for the picture

Everyone sitting pretty for the picture

Feeding time

She loved playing in Poppy's shoes

She loved playing with her protege, Peaches

She loved chasing her brother's tail

Tired of playing and coming into the house

Daughter with Mom

She got along with the new boxer
even though she didn't like her.

But she loved her nephew

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Posing for another picture

Relaxing on the porch

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Even though they seemed like they didn't get along
they were always in the pictures together
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Getting on the picnic table,
a favourite pastime

Looking up for the camera

She always seemed to have that one ear turned back

Here she is for the camera with her ear back again

We loved her pretty eyes

Harlee's first experience with snow

Enjoying a fall day

Harlee would do anything for me including posing for pictures

Harlee will always be Mommy's little girl

In Loving Memory of
our newest angel, Harlee (6-13-08)
and our longtime angels,
Shoyu (9-28-01) and Sebastian (11-18-04)

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