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Some mistreament 4 Powers
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Hardcore Press initiation by Mr. Unknoen
Thursday, 18 January 2007
Identity Fraud and the Missle Silo
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Some mistreament 4 Powers
So the story continues with D Unknoen getting his identity stolen possibly by Iraqis from a fraudulent credit card company in Santa Monica blvd California .

The Fraudulent credit card company Independeance Plus Visa, put Unknoen into debt the beginning of January some one hundred dollars before he discontinued the withdrawals from the bank account. He had been making the payments from the middle of December to the middle of January The signature was signed thanksgiving when the so called Visa company guaranteed the Visa Card that contained a yearly annual fee, and a monthly fee but the "guaranteed" card turned out to be Prue paid card not an unsecured card as is advertised On the website, and it can be used to only purchase black market items on an exclusive website that is difficult to access and contains nothing worth buying.

The company withdrew three months of payments but the credit card never arrived.

His uncle took his finances allotted to him as the experimental social security account, and left him for dead On the streets of Los Angeles , with gunmen and a cult following Damian Unknoen around. Damian escaped the gunmen in Ashland Oregon where they physically followed him around and shot guns and bullets at his block and his house.

Damian Unknoen was sleeping on the floor filled with poisonous Black Widow spiders where he was killing the spiders day by day. He was sleeping on the floor becuase his uncle didn't allow him to sleep on a bed, with thousands of dollars in the account. He instead left Damian to sleep on a couch that had a sharp hook sticking out approximately near where the crotch lays and left Damian with a horrible back pain, that crippled him for weeks, leaving him collapsing and seizuring in his apartment (contaminated with mildew) and on the street.

Damian has had the paramedics called for him more than once, for siezuring and collapsing during a freeze, where he was left out by Patrick to die in the street with out a sleeping pad, blanket, money or food, again with thousands in Damians account without access to its benefits.

Damian escaped an alligator that attacked the streets of LA as he was asked to sleep on the street during the moments when one was unleashed ont he streets of LA.

Damian escaped a bullet that fired two feet from his head in the middle of the night, again in Oregon , where members of a couple of Anti American cults hide out. Some of their members were following Damian from other states and he asked them to bug off. They began follwing him around and making arrangements to get him killed. More than 3 rifles were pulled on him around the cultists, who occupy a small ghost town on the further reaches of Northern California , and equaint it to a satanist cult camp that is claiming the credentials of a missle silo in the United States , and possibly threatening to use chemical weapons and warfare in the streets of the United States .

The cultists gathered together and began to pretend to deliberate to themselves and created their own trial with their own laws and jury and decided to see if Damian was accused or guilty of being a murderer and or a rapist. They had a twelve person jury out of twelve people, and decided he was innocent. Trying him even though a bunch of the girls went after him sexually and the guys didnt like it so they tried conspired to persecute him and kill him with cyanide and try to break into his cabin with an axe.

He escaped down the road after trying to drive out, and found he was snowed in on a mountain, with over one hundred and seventy or so miles till he hit the freeway. The road is mountainous and on the edge of a cliff where; there are no towns for fifty miles and no interstate.

Someone stole his identity and it could have been anyone in the so

called "psychic" experiment that the cultists worship, .........or it could have been his supposed wife whom he married by mistake when he was 19, who threw his court papers and mail into the garbage and tried to rip his throat open with her bare hands, after she scratched up his face. She was a female bodybuilder who beat him up for her version of the bible, leaving a scratch that cut open his face ear to chin.

The girls from the missle silo and cult turned out to be psychosas they followed him around and obsessively talked about cheating on him after they threatened to fuck him in the woods and get their boyfreinds to pull rifles on him. Some ex boyfreinds eventually did. They still grow unmedical pot up in the reaches of Northern California .

100 plants at a time.

Wouldnt be so bad if Unknoen wasnt known mysteriously by literally millions of people and everywhere he goes people tell him they've been dreaming of him the night before and they've never even met each other; or that they've seen him on television.

Unknoen has been followed around for being a comedian and a funny one at that. He has been shot at for being a musician, and a good one at that, he has been denied by a world that alots the role of an actor in theminds of millions of people. His identity has been stolen form him and he is followed around by al queda, his name is slandered and plastered all over hteminds of the masses and he gets no respect for escaping a maggot eating rodent infested alqueda camp operated by anti american americans and it is to be handled in the proper manners. Unknoen is not to die, and is worthy of merit and just reward.

He has escaped over whelming odds, has been nearly trampled by wild animals, has growled at by wild cats and has had bears sniff his face! He is Silver award grand prize winner of the ISP,. is taken advantage of by Radio stations and agencies playing his music on the television and recieves no compensation for now getting both his identity stolen and turning informant on the cult/supposed missle silo, surounded by Death Towns and murder camps. The silo itself is death camp and no one says a god damn thing.

these cultist worship aliens you know, what they percieve to be the real thing. they're willing to kill for them but they worship ufos and different "breeds" of martian. This shit should be and will be exposed.

DF Light

North Hollywood

Posted by planet/emcee-unknoen at 10:49 AM
Updated: Thursday, 18 January 2007 11:09 AM
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Mood:  irritated
Topic: Bad camping experiences
More true stories Damian D Unknoen by Damian Forest Light Damian was born and raised in New York City California- So this guy threatens to pull out his rifle if i dont leave his town by tomorrow, and screams it at the top of his lungs.....this half white half native gets in his old hatchback drunk, speeds down the street and makes U-turn speeding back in the direction he came....... i dart into the bushesa and into the woods , ducking beneath a ledge........ He smokes and grows his own weed......... An assailant tries to break into my cabin with an axe in the middle of the night after i lock the door with a wooden bench...................... A crew threatens to put cyanide into my drinking water, and then plots the buildiong of a nuclear bomb made of gasolijne and dynamite4 that they threatent o drop over New York City......... Muslims invad e the camp,a nd put up signs down a one mile driveway spelled in Arabic...... Black Terrorists and Aryans team up with whites and muslims AND jews AND HAVE SOMEONE PULL A RIFLE, with the bullet buzzing past my head...... A dread locked white pulls out a rifle after a scuffle.... OREGON- slugs gather at my feet from different directions............. People believe that Osama bin Laden hides in Oregon, miles outside a town called Bend..... An assailant who works for the US MIlitary begins to speak about the assassination of the president of the United states Arizona - A three hundred pound coyote growls at me at while i hide in a tent.... Who Am I ?? D Unknoen.....AKA Damian F Light

Posted by planet/emcee-unknoen at 10:45 AM
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