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Monday, 18 June 2007
The Damons and the Afflecks holiday in Hawaii

Yes, I feel a little guitly about posting these photos, but damn you Affleck and Damon, you had to go and become cute Dads. You had to make good movies after some of those stinkers. And Ben, you have to sound so damn good on "Real Time with Bill Maher". Bastards, I had to post these photos, I couldn't stop myself.

Photos from Just Jared

Posted by Ellinorianne at 10:32 PM PDT
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Tom and Katie watch some soccer

Hello has a photo of Katie and Tom watch Real Madrid become champions once again with David Beckham in his final game. Do you think they were making sure their friends move to LA on schedule? I had heard some rumblings that Vics and David were having second thoughts. What would Tom do? Actually, what would Katie do? Xenu?

Posted by Ellinorianne at 9:39 PM PDT
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I knew there were multiple reasons to like Katherine Heigl

TMZ is interested in learning if the vagina in "Knocked Up" belongs to Katherine Heigl? I'm not sure what they are wondering, since there is a BABY coming out of said vagina in the film and she was never pregnant. And why do a vaginal birth by "Special affects". The miracle happens daily, I'm sure you can find someone who let you film that. So, stunt double for the vagina, that makes sense.

Anne Hathaway wanted nothing to do with the film because they were actually going to show the old vajayjay during childbirth. According to writer/director Judd Apatow, "Hathaway dropped out of the film because she didn't want to allow us to use real footage of a woman giving birth to create the illusion that she is giving birth." What the hell is wrong with people? You do realize that our sexual organs serve other purposes and what can be more noble than bringing a new life into the world?

Good for Katherine for taking the film and getting to star in a blockbuster comedy that also got great reviews (Rotten Tomatoes has it at 91 on the meter, that's great!) I'm sure it will give her some negotiating power with ABC.

Posted by Ellinorianne at 9:23 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 18 June 2007 9:26 PM PDT
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Keri Russell has her baby!

People is reporting that Keri Russell and her husband, Shane Deary welcomed a baby boy into the world on June 9th. They named their boy River Russell Deary and he is their first child.

Keri always looked so stunning pregnant and I'm so happy she's getting some critical acclaim for her film "Waitress", so there is life after "Felicity".

Keri Russell in this month's Interview Magazine

Posted by Ellinorianne at 9:05 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 18 June 2007 9:08 PM PDT
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I'm sorry to have to say this, but Nicole Richie is not bloated...

So, what do you think?

Posted by Ellinorianne at 9:35 AM PDT
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Saturday, 16 June 2007
Angelia gives the Pap a ride...

Angelina Jolie gave a photographer who works for Splash News a ride after his bike blew a tire. Talk about doing a good deed, James was in the midst of attempting to photograph Angelina.

"Come on, Lance, hop in," were the words James heard from the car that stopped to check on him after getting a flat tire. Angelina and her kids had nicknamed James Lance, after of course, Lance Armstrong.

He said the whole experience was "very, very, very surreal. Just to be sitting in a car shaking hands and having a laugh with Angelina Jolie while I'm looking out seeing all of my colleagues trying to take pictures of me and Angelina Jolie."

James said she "spoke about lots of things. She was really curious about the other photographers and what we do... She was really impressed with how professional we were. [Splash News] has been pursuing her exclusively, and she just said that she really liked the distance and the boundaries."


Posted by Ellinorianne at 4:07 PM PDT
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Brad and Maddox go to the Mars 2112 arcade and restaurant in Times Square


I can't even imagine what it must be like to live my life under a microscope. And how strange to grow up in it as well, "Your Mommy and Daddy aren't followed by lots of people with cameras? That's not normal?"

Posted by Ellinorianne at 3:54 PM PDT
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Wentworth Miller gets his Frappie on...


Posted by Ellinorianne at 3:49 PM PDT
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Posted by Ellinorianne at 3:46 PM PDT
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Charlize Theron at the 2007 CineVegas awards


Posted by Ellinorianne at 3:43 PM PDT
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Sienna Miller, new third wheel, how cute!


Rupert looks much better with the shorter and lighter hair, or should I say, he looks less like Orlando Bloom.

Posted by Ellinorianne at 3:40 PM PDT
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Diane Keaton!


Posted by Ellinorianne at 3:33 PM PDT
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Thursday, 14 June 2007
Women In Film Presents The 2007 Crystal and Lucy Awards Honoring Renée Zellweger...

All of her!


Posted by Ellinorianne at 10:20 PM PDT
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Angelina opens up more...

Some interesting quotes from this weeks Premeire of "A Might Heart":

"Someone saying to me that I'm thin is not a compliment," I've always been lean and this year I lost my mom and I've gone through a lot. I have four kids and I finished breastfeeding – it's been hard to get my nutrition back on track. Instead of people saying I look like a person dealing with something emotionally, they assume it's because I want to fit into skinny jeans."

"There are certain kids on the periphery that we want to help through school, whose lives we are starting to be involved in as well, in our home it is all about how much we balance making sure that everybody has individual time, and right now four of them have very special individual time. We never want to have so many kids that we can't do that."

It's unfortunate she has to address these issues considering what she's been through recently and she's never been heavy and I've never heard her say things that her weight is a concern, I don't know. I never though this was an eating disorder.

Posted by Ellinorianne at 9:19 PM PDT
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This makes me sad...

Kelly Clarkson had to cancel her summer tour due to poor ticket sales, but it smells like a conspiracy to me.

The negative press that's been going on for the last few months makes no sense to me, why would a record company want to sabotage their own artist? There was a supposed feud with Clive Davis over the fact that she had written the album herself and he had issues with the quality of the songs. She also fired her manager just a couple of days ago, which just bodes more trouble for her third album, "My December" due out on June 26.

So I'm wondering who has put the hit out on her career or did she do this to herself by attempting to go about it on her own? Ironically, Simon Cowell came to her defense:

”Kelly is not a puppet; she does not like to be told what to do. She could have gone the easy route, which is, you go with (Since U Been Gone producer) Max Martin - it’s a guaranteed success. She made it absolutely clear that she wanted to steer the musical direction on this record.

“You just gotta say, ‘You know what? This girl has given us millions and millions of sales.’ You’ve got to give her that opportunity. If it works out, fantastic. If she then decides she wants to do a pop album, every good writer and producer wants to work with her. Because Kelly will be here for 30 years. She has one of the best pop voices in the world right now.

“What she sold in the UK, Europe, Asia had nothing to do with American Idol. It had everything to do with the fact that she made a great record and she’s got an incredible voice. She’s not a girl who got lucky in a talent competition; we got lucky to find her.”

I've adored Simon since the beginning and usually agree with him, even though he can be harsh, he's usually right. He's a bastard too though. I hope he's right this time.

Posted by Ellinorianne at 9:02 PM PDT
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Spacey: I don't care about my acting career any more

"I don't care about my personal acting career any more. I'm done with it," he said.

"After 10 years of making movies and going better than I ever could have imagined, I sort of had to ask myself: What am I supposed to do with all of this success that I have had?

"Am I just going to keep making movie after movie and be concerned with all of that 'Are you up, are you down, are you hot, are you not?', and I don't really care.

"What I care about is working with people, what I care about is the remarkable experience of being able to be a part of bringing people together."


Posted by Ellinorianne at 6:20 PM PDT
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Ben Affleck - Join ONE Vote '08
It's probably pretty hard nowadays to find a group of 200 Americans who can agree on anything, much less two million Americans. But that's the number of us who are signed up to the ONE Campaign to Make Poverty History.

Earlier this week I got on a conference call with Senators Frist and Daschle and we were joined by nearly 10,000 ONE members as a part of the ONE VOTE '08 launch. These people come from all over the country, from all sorts of backgrounds, jobs and political persuasions. And they are actively engaged in ONE's efforts to make extreme poverty and global disease priorities in the 2008 presidential election. They are our front line.

ONE Vote '08 has a thorough policy agenda that if adopted by the next president could save millions of lives every year by fighting HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, provide 77 million children with access to primary education, provide clean water to 400 million people and reduce by half the number who suffer from hunger.

These issues are matters of life and death and they don't belong to one candidate or one party. Saving mothers and fathers from preventable, treatable diseases, sending children to school and helping others help themselves are issues that cross party lines and have strong support from both Democratic and Republican leaders. We are the greatest country in the world. Let's prove it once more.

No matter what your political beliefs may be, you can join this party too. Start by visiting ONE Vote '08.


Posted by Ellinorianne at 6:19 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 14 June 2007 6:56 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Brad and Angelina at the New York Premiere of 'A Mighty Heart'


Posted by Ellinorianne at 9:44 PM PDT
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Jennifer Connelly and Paul Bettany at New York Charity Event

Jennifer Connelly and Paul Bettany are planning to appear onscreen again in a new film titled 'Born'. From what I've read, it sounds like a horror film about a cartoonist, well claymation animator, who has his own creations turn on him. Hm. Oh, it could be good but it could be so bad. I hope for the former of course.

Posted by Ellinorianne at 7:38 PM PDT
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Jordan is eight months pregnant, you don't say?

Wow, um, creepy, it's just creepy. The make-up, the pose. He's fully clothed, she's naked. Ew. Celebrities just don't do naked pregnancy photos like they used to.

Posted by Ellinorianne at 7:30 PM PDT
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