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Hector Hugh Munro




            The Rise Of The Russian Empire [n|1900]
The Westminster Alice (ps: SAKI) [f|1902]
2830,OW Reginald (ps: SAKI) [s|1904]
WO Reginald In Russia (ps: SAKI) [s|1910]
Mrs Emsley [f|1911]
3688,OW The Chronicles Of Clovis (ps: SAKI) [s|1912]
555 The Unbearable Bassington (ps: SAKI) [f|1912]
14540 When William Came (ps: SAKI) [f|1913]
269,O Beasts And Super-Beasts (ps: SAKI) [s|1914]
1477 The Toys Of Peace.. (ps: SAKI) [s|?]
& Tobermory [?]
The Square Egg (ps: SAKI) [s|?]
The Death Trap (ps: SAKI) [d|?]
Karl-Ludwig's Window (ps: SAKI) [d|?]
The Watched Pot (ps: SAKI) [d|?]



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