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    If I have to explain to you what a Camaro is you might as well skip this review. Take up knitting or flower arranging, because if you never heard of a Camaro you ain't a car modeler.

     America's Car enthusiasts have been mourning ever since GM killed Camaro, leaving the Ford Mustang sole heir to the pony car throne. The 2006 Camaro Concept gave hope to hotrodders of the resurrection of the Camaro marque.

    While we can't buy a full size Camaro from our GM dealer, the local hobby shop will sell you this AMT kit of this Exciting show car.


     The first Company out of the gate with a new Camaro kit is AMT. A lot has been said about AMT in recent years, not all of it good. Stories of misleading box art, and other issues have plagued AMT's re-issues, But their new kits have gone a long way to earn them respect. This kit will further enhance thier reputation.

      The Box art shows pictures of the built model, and is attractively designed. The pictures give you an accurate look at what you actually get inside the box. This kit is not perfect, but AMT at least deserves B+ for this one. Why not an A? Well, we'll get into that when I break down the details of this kit.



The Body of the Camaro is good looking and accurately scaled, though I thought it wasn't at first. The 1:1 show car is quite the large car in comparison to the 67-68 Camaro that inspired it. None of the flaws are so bad that you can't shoot some paint on it and have a decent shelf model but there are some nagging things that will make this a long build for the contest modeller.


   The flaws in the bodywork can mostly be summed up in the words "sink marks", they are literall everywhere. while not deep, they will show if you plan to do a super glossy finish. doing a guide coat and block snading the body will allow you to see and eliminte them. My sample had especially deep ones under the front valance.

   As an aside I think that had RC2 not fire guys like John Mueller who had years of experience in tooling model cars, they could have avoided this problem.

  On the upside all the correct details are there and well rendered, and given the variety of modifications done to the original, there are endless possibility for alternate builds of this kit.

   Several people have even been contemplating what a Pontiac version of this would look like.




    The Chassis is well engraved with many separate parts, the front wheels can be posed, and the front and rear suspensions are multi-piece arrangements. with careful detail painting this could be a real jewel.

      I don't have any good reference photos of the under carriage of this car, but seeing as it was based on the Monaro/GTO chassis I would assume that it would be finished in a similar fashion.



      Possibly the best part of this kit is the mutli-part interior with separate side panels, and a great dashboard. even the rear seat is separate which will make the interior detailing that much easier. The two piece rear seat even would allow for the easy installation of rear seat belts if you so desired.




       There is not much to talk about here. On the full size car you really don't see much of the engine, and the same is true of AMT's scale model. The lack of detail is only in places that you wouldn't ever see on the finished kit. The parts you do see though are well done and look accurate.


Wheels & Tires


   Here is a classic good news, bad news situation. The the tires are nothing short of the best tires AMT has ever made, the wheels however while are accurate and in scale, range in quality from almost no sink marks (the ones I have) to severely sink marked (in some I've seen posted elsewhere. the good news is that the full size car has a satin finish, so filling the sink marks, while tedious, is easy to do. finish the wheels in Alclad or metalizer and you have a great looking set of wheels.



Craig Betts' 2006 Camaro build-up

    Craig Betts finished this build up only days before this write up was completed. I thank him for letting me share this with you. I chose his out of all the ones I've seen because it's a well built representation of a near box stock build of this kit. This model shows what can be done with some skill and effort, to turn this model into a true beauty. Click on the pictures below for full size images.





   While there are some challenges in the building of this kit I still give this a good rating. I have been working on mine and it is going together nicely. If the subject matter interests you it is well worth the work to get one of these on your shelf. Mine will be a speedster.
